By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Dear Lincoln Project: It is illegal as s***!”
  1. It’s cute that you think the law is on your side. I get that your traitor Cuban ass wishes he was back in the homeland ordering illiterate peasants around, but here in the US we have some respect for democracy.

    Your idiot manbaby candidate lost. Get over it. In a little over two months he’ll be out of the White House. If they have to send in the Capitol Police to drag his stupid carcass out, they will (and it will be hilarious).

    1. Ooh! a Troll!

      “…but here in the US we have some respect for democracy.”

      Except in some of those states where it’s ok to have dead vote, harvest ballots, break your own election laws, electronically switch votes, and kick out/deny access to legal and lawful observers. Tell me, comrade, where did the bad orangeman hurt you?

      BTW, It would be the secret service that did that, not the Capitol police.

      1. I wonder how he just landed here. God knows he is not a regular reader or even occasional.
        Hey Bubba, understand this: We are gonna play with your rules and then some.
        It would be a good time for you to request asylum in Canada

        1. Miguel,

          For the love of God, please do not send that idiot to Canada. We have enough problems with our own far left traitors, we really don’t need to import any of yours as well.

    2. The law is NOT on anyone’s side…it IS the side. In Pennsylvania it is simple, ballots arriving after 8PM election day are not valid. The State Supreme Court violated the separation of powers by engaging in law making or modification. It simply does not have that authority. Lawmakers change laws, not judges. Oh, and head back to class we are a Constitutional Republic, NOT a democracy. There’s a big difference. What you should have noticed already is that folks on our side of the political aisle do not burn down buildings, riot, and loot when our candidates lose…however, our preferred candidate has not officially lost. Maybe he will, but if not…can you and your side be grown-ups? Likely not because the evidence is all around. Thus endeth the lesson.

  2. Hmmm. Conspiracy to deprive of civil rights. RICO, as well?

    BTW, doesn’t “occasional anonymous” reveal himself to be a “dick”?

    Or, has he more value as an object lesson?

    Either way, I ‘spect the courts will establish who is correct, and who is mistaken.

    1. I like that Miguel normally leaves these sorts of trolls here to poke fun at. They normally don’t stay to engage. Such as “Frank” who left after he promised an apology if something happened, it happened and when called to apologize he was no where to be found.

      1. Trolls do come with an expiration date. The moment I see they are no longer showing anything new, they get a nice ban.
        We do need to keep the place clean.

  3. We spent four years listening to liberals concoct Russiagate conspiracy theories. now it’s conservatives turn to concoct excuses for why their garbage candidate lost, I suppose.

    1. The only difference is than in less than a week, there have been more evidence of election fraud from the Democrats (including one million magical Democrat Mail In Votes in Florida) than 5 years of FBI investigations on the 2016 election.

      Other than that, yup, about the same.

      And the point of the post is not if the President is right about the lawsuits but that trying to coerce officers of the court, regardless which side they are for is both immoral and illegal as shit.

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