Barbados is the latest country to accuse the United States of blocking it from acquiring critical medical equipment to fight COVID19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus.

In a national briefing Sunday, Health Minister Lt. Col Jeffrey Bostic said that 20 ventilators purchased by a philanthropist had been seized in the U.S.

“Those ventilators were actually stopped in the United States, the exportation of those 20 ventilators,” Bostic said.

Barbados accuses U.S. of blocking ventilators to help with the coronavirus pandemic

Huh? Blocked how?

In a national briefing Sunday, Health Minister Lt. Col Jeffrey Bostic said that 20 ventilators purchased by a philanthropist had been seized in the U.S.
“Those ventilators were actually stopped in the United States, the exportation of those 20 ventilators,” Bostic said.

They are U.S. Made Ventilators? How dare the US Government stop life-saving equipment to leave the country! It is like the Government is saying “America First!”  Please tell us more!

The Miami Herald emailed, called and texted Bostic for further details on the shipment, including whether he had reached out to the State Department or the U.S. Embassy in Barbados about his concerns. He did not respond.

Damn you Health Minister! We need to prop a good Trump-Bashing story telling people he is killing black island people and you do not give us a few lines so we can accuse him of being racist?

Media’s Trump Catch-22: Damned if he does not do it and damned if he does.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Dear Media: You can’t have it both ways.”
  1. Remember, the actions he took in January were obviously a racist overreaction in January and now were obviously not enough and proof he didn’t take it seriously.

    There needs to be a reckoning when this is done.

  2. Random thought: I am old enough to remember when people who couldn’t breathe on their own were put in a horrid contraption called an iron lung. Now we have portable ventilators the size of a small suitcase. Imagine having to ship tens of thousands of those contraptions around the world.

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