EXCLUSIVE: Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot ‘Disrespect’ Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle | The Daily Wire

Given the heightened political and social atmosphere surrounding Afghanistan, it is important to remind our uniformed personnel (active duty and reservists on temporary active duty) and military retirees of their responsibilities and obligations under Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10. While it is vital to protect the constitutional right of freedom of expression for these groups, consistent with mission accomplishment, national security, and good order and discipline, it’s important to remember certain limitations. Namely, uniformed personnel and military retirees are prohibited from disrespecting senior government leadership (e.g. the President, Vice President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, Service Secretaries, etc.).


Besides, he is disrespecting himself faster than what anybody else could do.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “Dear Military: Do not insult the President.”
  1. I am a retiree. But fuck that Article 88 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive 1344.10! I hold Biden personally responsible for the latest deaths and the debacle in Afghanistan, the inflation in the USA, and the millions of illegals entering the country since the Cheater-in-Chief became “President” in January. If these clowns don’t want to be criticized, they should do their job properly at defending and protecting the U.S. Constitution and American citizens, instead of all being puppets cock suckers for the Chineses. Finally, themselves do not follow the laws they don’t like, why should I?

  2. Since when are retirees from the military still subject to the UCMJ? I’m going to have to look into this. It seems like a significant expansion of the UCMJ’s jurisdiction.

    1. As a retiree, you are first transferred to the Individual Reserve (in my case, the Fleet Reserve). You are subject to the UCMJ, and may be recalled to duty until you are placed on the Retired List at thirty years of commitment. After that, they can ASK if you would like to return (as they did my Father in Law when they activated the Battleships in the eighties – he declined), but you have the ability to refuse. You do not have that option before you are placed on the List.

  3. Go ahead and bring me back on active duty to prosecute me. The discovery and court time will be years and I’ll be making O-5 bank.

    1. The linked article included a quote from a nameless bureaucrat at the agency issuing that particular diktat, who acknowledged that the policy under the previous President was more “relaxed.”

      Yeah, right. Relaxed to the point of mutiny, it was.

      Fire them all.

      1. If you are correct with “The UCMJ does not apply to veterans who were discharged before reaching 20 years of service,” I am good. But as you say, they could attempt to apply it.

  4. They’re doing that thing they do.

    Step 1: Make a rule
    Step 2: Someone on the right breaks the rule and is punished
    Step 3: Someone on the left breaks the same rule and is not punished
    Step 4: The right complains that the rule was not enforced
    Step 5: Someone on the right breaks the rule and is punished
    Step 6: The right complains about the unfairly-applied rule, and the left responds with “What, I thought you wanted the rule enforced?”
    Step 7: Someone on the left breaks the rule and is not punished
    Step 8: The right complains about the unfairly-applied rule, and the left responds with “What, I thought you didn’t want the rule enforced?”

    Repeat steps 5-8 until someone on the left finally looks like they’re going to get punished, and then the rule gets repealed.

    1. You nailed it with steps 1-8. Applies here and I recognize it as the stuff that really started pissing me off and worrying me during the obama years. Especially step 6 (remember when it was breaking new ground to use the IRS to go after political enemies?)

  5. Actually the email predated LTC Scheller falling on his sword,

    “The direction for ONI members to stay silent was delivered on August 23. The directive has not shifted following the death of 13 U.S. service members in a suicide bombing near the Kabul airport.”

    The email continues to claim that the policy extends to ONI “civilians” as well. These members were specifically directed to avoid “being too vocal in criticism of, say, the President.”

    Don’t be too vocal. “… it’s important to remember certain limitations. Namely, uniformed personnel and military retirees are prohibited from disrespecting senior government leadership (e.g. the President, Vice President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, Service Secretaries, etc.).”

    IOW, Do not call President Biden a Senile, Ignorant, Mofoing Fool (even though it may not be slander as it is true). You should have the right to call his policies and decisions Naive, Foolhardy, Ill Advised, Murderous and Genocidal. Probably want stay away from words like Treasonous and Agent of the CCP too.

    I personally think the people running this cabal are going to keep Biden in the office until the mass killings. rapes, stonings, public executions slow down. By then, even his own staff will hate him (even more).

    Then they will drive him out like the scapegoatiest scapegoat ever seen, and bring in Princess Kamalalala as a “New Page,” “A Fresh Beginning,” and most of all, “Not the incompetent, murderous, senile idiot Joe Biden.

    1. Brilliant! Yes, Biden was brought in to do all the unpopular stuff as phase 1 of transforming America.

  6. Not sure this is real. If it were, copies of the actual email would be EVERYWHERE on the military and retiree sites. I cannot find an ‘actual’ copy to verify it.

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