So there is a Gun Rights conference in which people from all areas of the US come every year paying for their own air fare, room and board. This year the conference is happening in third largest city of the US with a very busy and important airport. The conference itself is to be held at the Airport’s hotel. The day when most of the attendees are supposed to arrive via plane, an employee sets fire to the airport’s control center shutting down air the operations if almost 900 planes and stranding tens of thousands of passengers all over the country.
So what happened to that conference? What happened to the Gun Rights Policy Conference of 2014 to be held at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Airport in Chicago? Cancelled? Very sparse attendance? See for yourself:
And that is why we win.
So, I guess by MomsDemand logic, we can proudly report that over fifteen were in attendance? Or, if we use their own math formulas, 47 million showed up.
You can just barely see my balding head leaning over the laptop.
[…] And how many people show up to harass a Kroger? […]
Florida Carry’s own Eric Friday on the panel in that pic. We had to take a flight in to Indianapolis and then rent a car to drive to Chicago to make it there in time to catch 3 hours of sleep before Eric and I spoke at the conference. We were not alone. Many of the attendees and speakers took extraordinary steps to adjust travel plans via train, planes, and automobiles to get to GRPC. Top that kind of dedication Bloomberg / Moms Demand Bans.
and we thank your dedication Sean and everybody else’s.
Now imagine if we had a Billionaire Sugar Daddy…. 😀