First: Stop showing off for the Media as they are not your friends.
Second: Would you please fucking follow the Four Rules of Gun Safety?


Fucking around with a fucking loaded rifle? Really you asymptomatic Dumb Fuck?

This is why we have assholes politicians coming after our guns. STOP HELPING THEM!

That is all.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dear Young Gun Owners, do you mind a piece of advice from an old gunnie?”
  1. Perhaps “asymptotic” would better describe your assessment of the subject’s stupidity.

    It seems to me that muzzling somebody might be seen as very, very symptomatic (perhaps pathognomonic) of stupidity!

  2. I would disagree with “This is why we have assholes politicians coming after our guns”. They come after our guns because we have them. It wouldn’t matter if every gun owner exhibited perfect safety skills. They’ll still come after the guns.

  3. “OOhp… Sorry about that!”

    I have a rule – watch your muzzle… I sure am. Anything pointed at me I take as a deadly threat and address as such. This includes “empty” guns (for reference, see Rule #1)

  4. You cant fix stupid. Its going to be around in droves as long as we have cameras and media morons.
    Rule number “0”- NEVER NEVER NEVER talk to ANY reporter,none,zip,nadaNEVER. If you dont know the 4 rules natural selection will take care of it

  5. This guy here

    Has his rifle slung as if he was a southpaw, but his mags are in the pouches for a right handed reload. Clumsy. This is a bunch of posers who think that mere possession of weapons is enough. This is why so many people think that 500 rounds in a car is “heavily armed” but don’t stop to think how many swings it takes to be good at driving a golf ball down the fairway.

  6. Fucking around with a loaded rifle is stupid, but are we sure he was ignoring the rules? I mean, looks like he kept his finger off the trigger. As far as the rest, I suppose it depends on “never muzzle anything you aren’t willing to destroy”, I can’t necessarily say he WASN’T following it. Not saying I agree with the position, but there’s more than a few who have decided ‘journalist’ and ‘enemy’ are synonymous. Which would lead to ‘all guns are loaded’, which while he acted the fool he never acted like it was empty, and ‘be sure of your target’, and since he didn’t actually fire could be argued he followed that as well.

    In this case, saying ‘follow the four rules’ doesn’t hold the weight it used to. I’d just go with ‘don’t be a fucking asshat’

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