The #MeToo protocol has been activated, there will be no challenge allowed. Media giants must stop those who are attacking the lie and threatening the well being of the future Mrs. David Hogg.

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We live in a Brave New World.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

  1. Does it bother anyone else that people who subscribe to someone’s news feed are referred to as “followers?”

    I get it, it’s an appropriate term … but it also smacks of cultists and worship of the person they follow. Especially when the person does something like command her followers to rain righteous wrath down on blasphemers.

  2. Saw something somewhere that she wasnt even IN the building. Sign 4-8 more years of lies and American persecution comin up

  3. She’s right about one thing. “…once the truth comes out, so few people will get to hear it.” Yup, and she will do her damndest to make that happen.

  4. If she was in fact in the Capitol (maybe she was, and misstated her location as “her office”), surely there were people with her that could verify her story. Surely they can be tapped to verify her story.

    Would probably be a lot easier than asking strangers to suppress a story.

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