This from Fox News:

California Dems propose resolution linking Israeli government to anti-Semitism, Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

Of course they do.  The Left loves to victim blame any group that isn’t part of their collective.

A draft resolution set to be debated this weekend at the California Democratic Party State Convention, obtained by Fox News, accuses the Israeli government of willfully “aligning with the virulent Islamophobia” of white supremacist groups in the U.S. — and links Israel indirectly to the Oct. 2018 massacre of 11 congregants at a Pittsburgh synagogue.

I mean, it’s not like the Islamic world hasn’t sworn to and isn’t actively trying to
“wipe Israel off the map” and “drive the Jews into the sea.”

The document was one of a slew of secretive, unpublished proposals obtained by Fox News that are slated for debate beginning Friday morning. 

Some of the draft resolutions would mandate that Democrat officials work to “nullify” President Trump’s pro-Israel policies. One document directs party officials to take a subsidized trip to Israel only “if they undertake to devote an equal amount of time to visiting Palestinian towns, villages and refugee camps in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.”

That almost seems like a suicide mission for any Jewish Democrat.

Tentatively titled “Commending the House for resolving to fight all racism and bigotry and for resisting the false conflation of support for Palestinian rights with antisemitism,” the resolution blasting Israel’s purported role in furthering white supremacy was co-authored by David Mandel, an elected state Assembly delegate and progressive attorney who says he holds dual U.S.-Israel citizenship and lived in Israel for 10 years.

There is no Jew hatred like the self-hatred of a Lefty Jew.

Support for Palestinian rights isn’t antisemitism.  Accusing Israel of genocide or supporting Palestinian terrorism is antisemitism and that line is crossed all the time by Palestinian rights’ activists.

The document calls the October synagogue shooting “the culmination of an alarming re-emergence of virulent antisemitism that is a core element of historical and currently resurgent white supremacism in the United States and around the world.” The “Israeli government, along with some of its U.S. backers,” the resolution continues, “welcomed support from Christian fundamentalist and ultra-right groups in the United States and abroad, dangerously ignoring their deeply rooted antisemitism while aligning with their virulent Islamophobia.”

Those Israelis trying to combat Islamic violence and terrorist fundraising were just so happy to jump into bed with Neo-Nazis.

If you believe that you should go play Russian Roulette with a semi-auto.

Speaking to Fox News, Mandel said it would be “far-fetched” to say that the resolution “directly” blames Israel for violence against Jews. But, he suggested, Israel officials did bear some indirect responsibility for both anti-Semitic and Islamophobic violence.

“The Israeli government and its supporters here seem to be embracing the right-wing and not caring what they say about anything else — Islamophobia, dog whistles for anti-Semitism,” Mandel said. “That, I think, does indirectly lead to some of the violence.”

Mandel added: “What we’re saying is the Israeli government is aligning itself with right-wing governments around the world, including in this country, and those right-wing groups — a core tenet of their ideology is antisemitism.”

What did I just say about Lefty self-hating Jews?

And didn’t I just write a post about the antisemitism of a bunch of anti-Klan Lefty protesters on the side of Palestinian rights?

Since the Republican party is the only of the two major American parties that openly supports Israel and unconditionally condemns antisemitism right now, I don’t think this guy has much of a “the Right Wing is bad” leg to stand on.

The resolution, like several others, will quickly go before a Resolutions Committee, which largely has control of which resolutions are adopted and debated.

“Most of the 3,000 or 4,000 delegates at the convention will agree with us,” Mandel said, “but that doesn’t mean we’re going to succeed in passing the resolution.”

Good to know the majority of Democrat delegates have an antisemitic streak.

On Saturday, after this article was published, Mandel told Fox News that the Resolutions Committee had rewritten the resolutions, without the consent of the original co-authors, and then passed those revised resolutions under the original co-authors’ names. Mandel called the process “outrageous” and a “perversion,” and said he was considering next steps.

Stabbed in the back by his Lefty Jew-hating colleagues?

Where have I seen that before?  I wonder if it was done at night, with long knives?

Coming from a party in which the old guard was hammered for trying to condemn the antisemitism within its ranks, seeing it embrace victim blaming Jew-hatred toward Israel shouldn’t surprise him.  It doesn’t surprise me.

It’s not Trump but this bullshit that will make violence against Jews worse.

It is the justification currently used in Europe to excuse Muslim attacks on Jews.

Now when another violent attack happens to Jews in the US, the official Democrat position will be “this is Israel’s fault.”





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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Democrat Antisemitism Watch of the Day, June 3rd”
  1. Hmm. When white men are the “cause” of every bad thing, from (whatever) inequality, to cancer, either white affirmation (of course, labeled “white supremacy when you dare to answer back in your own defense!), or some form of suicide, will inevitably follow.

    Action, meet reaction.

    And, it seems that I am not the only one ….puzzled…by the Israeli government embracing “anti semitism”

    “You keep using that word. It does not mean what you seem to think that it means!”

  2. So, let me see if I have this right.

    Israel is causing anti-semitism? Is this victim blaming? And, why are the Jews in the Democrat party not outraged by this?

    OK, granted. Israel may not always play nice in the sandbox, but…Nope, still not getting it.

    Victim blaming does not work with other crimes, and it is absolutely ridiculous when talking about acts of war committed by a terrorist state against a (generally) peaceful nation.

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