The Unwanted Sites keep being removed from their hosting services.  I just saw this over Raconteur Report:

It is no longer a question of “If’ but of “When” (to coin a phrase). If you have a blog that may be considered Unerwünscht (Unwanted/undesirable) or even dangerous, please seek alternative hosting services ASAP.  And of course I am going to recommend AWA and his Troglodite. Please check the sidebar to contacting him.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Deplatforming of Unerwünscht Websites continues”
  1. You’re on AWA’s virtual private server, which he will not kick you off of. God bless him for that.

    His VPS, however, is hosted by Linode.

    Linode’s pinned tweet right now links to their statement on solidarity with BLM and “Influencing positive social change.”

    They give free servers to “any social organization that promotes justice and equality programs.”

    Getting off hostgator was the right move for you, but I don’t think you’re safe from being booted off the internet quite yet.

  2. Troglodite and I are involved in a project. We are setting up a VPS on a right friendly provider. Announcement to follow on my blog within 24 hours. Any blogger who wishes can move their blog there.

  3. And…

    Does any of it matter?
    How long before the big data farms decide that your URL is a problem, and they stop any of their servers from allowing your data to cross their servers?

    Even if you have a supportive webhost. Even if your site can be discovered by a non-Google search engine. Even if the stars align, you will not be seen if the internet backbone blacklists your URL and IP address.

    And, who owns a lot of the servers in these data farms? Yeah, leftist corporations

    1. True. But there are a lot of DNS services, which makes sense given how easy it is to create those. If all else fails you can get a name from some foreign top level domain. I’ve thought about getting me a .pn name just for grins (look it up).
      The one indispensable thing you need is a connection to the Internet with an associated IP address. That can, of course, be denied. But it’s a harder argument to make since that is so obviously a utility service, and denying an Internet connection is like denying telephone service or electricity. Could the left try to cut off your water? Sure, but convincing a jury that this is illegal should not be very hard.

    2. We fight that battle at hand. Trying to fight imaginary battles that haven’t begun yet leaves one without resources to fight the legitimate one as it approaches.

      For now, this is the one I fight. When the internet cuts us off, we fight THAT battle. Until then, we fight the ones that are at hand. I can’t get tied down fighting things that haven’t yet presented themselves.

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