Caught this watching FBI 10 most wanted: Manhunt in American Heroes Channel  (formally what Tam refers to The Hitler Channel) and saw the following. Not very good pictorial but it does the job and transmits the stupidity.


Holy mother of Flipper! I knew CorBon was good but not that good. I have one of my carry guns with Pow’RBall and I did not how deadly it could be. I did some research and found out the true composition of the bullets and I think you just have to wave the round in front of the critter for him to be eliminated and sent to another galaxy:



I am gonna get me a couple of aspirins now, the head-desking was strong.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Derping with authority.”
  1. Lee beat me to it. Definitely blanks; that must have been eith a stock photo or they just grabbed a handful of brass from their scene recreations. Also, duh! Bullets designed to kill or injure! More at Six!

  2. “The Hitler Channel” is what we used to call The History Channel back in the day. WWII footage the is the quick, easy and cheap way to fill time when you don’t actually have any content of your own.

  3. Oh wow, bullets that are designed to kill people on impact? Man, that’s a far cry from regular bullets, which are designed to caress your cheek and kiss you on the forehead.

  4. Where can i get some of that ammo in your last picture? I am assuming all I have to do is shoot it into a room to kill everyone in there?

  5. This would be why doctors don;t load their Glocks with Wellness Bullets and hose down sick people?

    Go figure. . .

  6. Don’t forget, Cor-Bon’s are blessed by a satanic priest before leaving the production line.

  7. I used to have a co-worker who insisted the FBI had shown that 10mm hollow points would kill someone by virtue of hydrostatic shock if you shot them in the ass. Seriously. And this guy was a gun owner and shooter.

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