It seems the hasthag #DeathSantis never got a whole lot of traction. According to the CDC, Florida is right in the middle of the pack in deaths per 100K even though all the medical experts predicted we were going to be burning funeral pyres 24/7 because we have a huge elderly population and because we “ain’t smarts like them folks up north.”

So when one narrative fails, they have to try another load of slime and see if it sticks this time, hence the video above.

The Florida Democrats are pissed off: The State went full Red with Trump, the lost state legislators in the last election, they lost the governorship and ended up coming out that the Democratic candidate had a predilection for meth and male prostitutes.  The Legislature passed bills reinforcing the safety of voting making it harder to cheat and  another bill to make you pay if you went full rioting.. ahem… almost peaceful demonstrating. So the only thing they can come up with is to label everybody who is not them a fascist.

I know the strategy has worked up in the Northwes and selected purple areas, but it is a hard sell if you consider that a lot of peple in South Florida have come from countries with dictatorships or are descendants from survivors of the same. The simpl fact that Pothead Fried is freely accusing anybody she does not like as fascist and is still alive and free, proves her so wrong that only morons suffering from intellectual and political paralysis would buy it as article of faith. In true fascist countries, she’d be arrested and thrown in some dark hole somewhere or her body found in some culvert somewhere with two gaping oozing holes in the back of her head. But she is in Florida, USA where she has a protected Constitutional right to say stupid shit like that trying to seek power.

Q.E.D biatch.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “DeSantis Derangement Syndrome: Nikki Fried swears the new GOP is fascist”
  1. Ya know, I was wondering how come her cadaver was hanging from that bridge ..

    What? Wait, what!!??!

    She still lives? Still speaks? Twitter hasn’t silenced her?

    Wow! One of these things really, really is *NOT* like the other!

  2. “Fascist” as an insult is rather rich coming from the Democrats, considering they fit the all the classic definitions of Fascism.

    Then again, ‘accuse your opponent of the very thing you are actually doing’ is a classic trick of demagogues.

  3. Reminds me of the old saw about gun owners … if gun owners were as unstable, vicious and dangerous as the antis claim we are, there wouldn’t be any anti-gunners left.

  4. I believe in a limited Federal government as described in the US Constitution, and as the Republicans are a little less terrible at supporting this, I usually vote Republican. That said, when it comes to protecting individual rights and the powers of the States, when it comes to limiting spending and fighting ridiculous laws, the Republicans have been rubbish… just a little less rubbish than the other party.

    DeSantis gives the people the information they need to make good decisions, says that individual municipalities can deal with COVID in a way that is appropriate to their local needs as long as they don’t trample individual rights, that the people have the right to protect themselves and their families, and they have the right to hear all sides of the story, not just the ones the very liberal social media platforms have decided are true. He doesn’t treat us like children but like adults with the ability to reason and make decisions that are the best for ourselves, for our families, and for our communities. This is the least fascist thing I’ve ever seen in government.

    Compare this to the Federal government that is still crying “Insurrection!” over a protest that caused very little property damage and resulted in a single death that wasn’t from natural or self-inflicted causes — a conservative shot by a conservative-hating police officer. Compare this to the other protests that have destroyed cities and the utter lack of response from either the federal, state, or local governments to protect the citizens. Compare this to the barbed wire and National Guard presence in DC, the high taxes, shutting down entire industries, the constant COVID mandates, the fear tactics, the targeting of political opponents and those who supported them, and the constant lies. Does she even know what fascism is?

    Now, even though I have an R on my voter registration, I never say I am a Republican. I say I am a Constitutional conservative with some libertarian streaks. If this is the new direction of the Republican Party, maybe I’ll start embracing the R. But I won’t hold my breath. For the most part, R and D are simply different flavors of big government out to take away our money and limit our rights for their own purposes. DeSantis is a glimmer of hope that there might be real change for the good.

  5. “…or her body found in some culvert somewhere with two gaping oozing holes in the back of her head.”

    Not bloody likely. Y’all gots Gators down there. In DeepSouth country ‘shoot, shovel, shaddap’, becomes ‘shoot, SWAMP, shaddap’.

    Also of interest is the chart. Am I the only one who noticed that the STATE of NY was not that much higher up the scale than FL, while the CITY topped the list? I can only assume the state listing is MINUS the city count.

    1. The image of the culvert is based on stuff that happened in back in Venezuela many many years ago (And not so long ago, but I was gone by then). They meant for the body to be discovered.

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