By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “DeSantis needs to run on a platform of building a wall around NYC”
  1. Nonsense, of course there is a way to put the crime genie back into the bottle. That way is historically tested, although a bit too bloody for modern taste.

    1. Three people with guns in a crowd of eight. That is pretty high for a city that has a virtual gun ban

  2. Rudy Giuliani put the genie back in bottle once, but bail “reform,” defunding the police, blaming the police for everything, and using the cops as your personal Gestapo to harass Jews and political enemies isn’t going to get the job done.

  3. I think my favorite part of the report was the end, where a guy walked behind the reporter wearing a t-shirt that said “Assholes live forever.”

  4. I think that Campaign Plank would get overwhelming support from upstate NY if it including removing NYC from New York.

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