After the catastrophic and rather stupid editorial written by Dick Metcalf, Guns and Ammo Magazine has told him to pack his bags and go.

Some will say: “Well shit! That is rather harsh. What about his right to free speech?”  Sparky, we are right now in the equivalent of a Cold War between a powerful enemy and our side: and constitutional platitudes are all nice, warm and fuzzy and to be used in-house only. To use one of the oldest and most visible gun magazines to sport and antique and expired train of thought that might be used by the enemy is just sheer stupidity… no, I don’t think Metcalf was a spy or a sell out, just stupid.

As with everything in our culture, we don’t dictate but teach and convince. We all want supremely trained shooters, we do not mandate it. We don’t take kindly to mandates as the opposition has learned with painful detail. But we are very receptive to suggestions and best practices and those have to include our freedom to keep and bear arms. There are many best practices out there and we love to choose the ones we like. Try to impose one? You are out of luck because we are ornery that way and you really do not know better.

Hat Tip to Days of Our Trailers

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “Dick Metcalf gone from Guns and Ammo.”
  1. It’s as if a board member of the NAACP had suggested that there were some circumstances in which a little bit of black enslavement was reasonable.


    –Andrew, @LawSelfDefense

  2. My respects to Mr. Bequette .. He stood up, spoke his piece, and took responsibility as head of his organization. THAT is what our culture does.
    I wish the political leaders that seek to dictate policies and then deny knowing why they fail (but are certain to find a fall-guy for public castigation) would take a lesson.

  3. How does free speech enter into it? A private publisher said “you can’t say that on my dime” and fired a guy. That’s free speech.

  4. Actually, I think Mr. Bequette was trying to play to his readers who are FUDD’s. He knew fully well what was written in the article and thought it would spark dialogue? On the contrary, he did not see the shit-storm that was about to develop. Now he throws out all of the “guns good” platitudes and catchphrases, hoping not to come out stinking too bad.
    I do give him credit for firing Metcalf, but Mr. Bequette’s hands are still tinged with a bit of brown stinkage.

  5. Mr. Bequette shares responsibility for the article because he reviewed it and published it. As the chief editor it is his job and RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that any article or advertisement in the magazine is reflective of the readership’s focus which is to defend the Constitution….all of it. By allowing this rubbish to be printed, he is complicit in providing the liberal enemies of our freedoms and God given rights fodder for their extremist propaganda and agenda. Shame on BOTH of the men!!!!

  6. I may not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it – Voltaire.

    I also agree with Rob

  7. Metcalf had every right to say what he said. After tshtf the exitor could no longer employ him in good conscience. But the editor should never have allowed the publication if he even had an inkling of what the reaction would be. I do not think that every article should be in accordance with the readership’s focus. We all have the right to not buy the magazine or its advertisers products. Still, If the original article had not been published then we would never have known Mr. Metcalf’s thoughts.

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