I am still testing the new camera for the back porch and it has not been secured but just placed in a long shelf in my backyard. We have an effing possum that think it owns by backyard and decided to climb the shelf and have itself some fun. It knocked shit down and eventually fell off. I just order some fox urine which allegedly will repel that rodent. Close up of a possum butthole available.

And no, I don’t wanna hear about the benefits of a possum.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

10 thoughts on “Didelphis Delenda Est!”
  1. They eat ticks by the bushel. I don’t know if that’s a selling point in South Florida, but it is in a big chunk of the country.
    (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)

  2. We’ve been having issues with a groundhog. My younger son keeps offering the use of a suppressed .22. There’s a nice hill for a backstop, but the area’s not anywhere close to rural any more, so I’m hesitant. Trapping hasn’t worked, to this point, though….


    1. Possum are ridiculously damage tolerant. You can fill them with 22 and they don’t die. I suggest M9 Claymore anti personnel mines.

  3. I was gonna suggest nuking the entire site from orbit (it’s the only way to be sure), but I don’t think your media-naranja would approve. 😉

  4. Had one a few years ago, that seemed to really enjoy messing with my dogs (liked to sit at the top of the fence, and play dead while the dogs went crazy at it). Picked up a couple of live traps from Tractor Supply, and baited them with peanut butter covered apple slices, if I remember right.

    Short trip to a rural area later, no more possum issue.

    This was, of course, after a call to the humane society, where the girl on the phone told me they couldn’t move the animal because it might have babies (in November, yeah right)

  5. Chickens start going bonkers. Lady wakes me from sound sleep. I go out to investigate. Damn possum in with the chickens. Stumble back to the house and get 12ga. Make my way back to chickens. No more possum. Then I see its tail hanging out of a hole in the wall.

    Damn thing was in the wall.

    Ears on, eyes on, take aim about seven inches to the right of where its ass end shows.

    One loud bang. Tail twitches and is still.

    I figured I’ll deal with the thing in the morning.

    Next morning I come out to find about half a possum. Chickens had pulled it out of the wall and eaten it.

    Three teach that cover is not cancelment

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