You get to forgive their sins because of The Madalorian and they turn around and give us this applesauce version of a great book which already has a great movie attached to it.

This looks and smells like a Lysol-treated film, all nice and clean, everything looking pretty even the bad stuff.

Now just take a gander at the intro of the original movie. You know you are headed for some nasty stuff, just like it happened in real life.

And, of course, the original had The Right Stuff: Chuck Yeager himself.

Disney, just make movies with Princess and shed the money for the second season of The Mandalorian. Leave the good mov9ies alone.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Disney to screw up The Right Stuff.”
  1. Lysol-treated, yes indeedy.
    The people in that trailer bear no resemblance to real live people of any era, never mind the sort of amazing nutjobs who get mixed up in space programs.
    Shiny-perfect cinematography, shiny-perfect costumes, shiny-perfect people: nope.
    Just ordered the original film on physical media, quick before it gets memory-holed.

    BTW: Am I the only one whose WordPress login no longer works in this comment section? I click the button and it flashes the popup and then waits forever for a response.

    1. You’re right. I haven’t watched a “movie” in a while…what I do is buy the dvd version of what I want to see…The Outpost, Thirteen Hours, the movie about the Granite Mountain HotShots, etc. I watch films about honorable people…which means that Jane what’s her name isn’t in them.

  2. I’ve been really close to dropping the $6/month (or whatever it is) on Disney + a bunch of times. I’d like to see the Mandalorian, and the handful of Marvel shows they’re supposedly making. I also get the feeling that Disney may hold onto new movies when they’ve made their theater run and not just sell them to another service like HBO/Starz/whatever.

    And then they do something stupid that makes me not want to pay them that $6.

    1. Do what I do: let them release a bunch of stuff, pay for one or 2 months, binge and then drop the service.
      That has been my strategy with Netfilx and I am applying the same to HBO.
      Hollywood is simply not generating enough good product to make me pay a monthly fee for a full year. And after this Wuhan crap? Even less so.

  3. Why?

    There are thousands of stories yet to be told, but they keep re-making, re-imagining, and re-booting the same stories over, and over, and over again.

    I might go see this movie, because jets, rockets, Yeager, and America. But the fifth Spiderman series, the fourth Hulk series, or another Superman or Batman origin movie?

    No. Just No.

  4. Half the book and the “real” movie were about Yeager, or anyway a goodly portion of each, and if Dizzy doesn’t do the same with this remake, it will just go to show you that remakes invariably suck, which is a rule that has nearly no known exception.

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