Georgia Grandmother Foils Robbery By Getting Into Shootout With Suspects.
Critter was given a ride to the local hospital with a leak in his chest. I keep saying it, this is the Year of the Lady Dragon and old Dragons are specially dangerous: they reached old age not for being stupid, cute and cuddly.
All I’m gonna say, don’t mess with Filipinos. xP
Especially when we’re carrying and aren’t afraid to use it. <– you can see where the would be robbers peppered her Toyota's hood. Why is it that we have to rely on
h/t for article is Instapundit.
Derp, forgot to finish sentence. Now forgot what I was saying. Multitasking is NOT my deal.
I had the pleasure of meeting Team Pinoy at the IDPA Border Disorder Match in 2006 (I think). Great shooters and cool as hell guys.
You haven’t been properly befriended by Pinoys until you are invited to our parties.
You will first be greeted. Then you might be shuttled around to be introduced and then chopped off to stay with the men to talk and drink. And then you will eat. Eat until you can’t eat anymore and we will insist you either eat some more or bring some home.
And if your hosts are slightly drunk. Kareoke.
I can see the hint of Spanish Tradition right there.. 🙂
Our love of food was only further enhanced by the Chinese and the Americans. =D