The incident earlier today in DC with the lady going nuts with her car is bound to disappear in the next 48 hours or maybe a wee bit longer since there was a child involved in the action.
But the initial reports of shots fired around Capitol Hill soon turned into a gun battle between the woman and everybody with a badge in DC. At times they made it sound as if she was shooting wildly down the road. As usual the initial reports were heavy on sensationalism and quite short in truth as it turned out that the only shots fired were by LEOs to stop the woman.
However, our friends did not wait to make political hay out of the incident. Unfortunately there was no blood in which to tap dance and they ended looking like idiots:

Will we get it? get comfy and suck your lemonade.

And assorted Twitter posts:
By now, tails are tuck, crow has been eaten and the bags of confetti have been relegated to the closet of bloody celebrations.
And somewhere in Indiana, tears run down the face of the Plastic Gardener as she bemoans the injustice provided by the gods. Her Iced Hazelnut Macchiato Soy Starbucks drink tastes sour all of the sudden and provides her no joy.
What’s a “gun retriction”?
It may require heavy fiber intake to cure?
possibly, but I must ask- exactly how much fiber does it require to clear that much feces from the otherwise empty skull?
That depends, how much fiber is there in the average anti-gunner’s desk?
Don’t know, but it sounds painfull
“And somewhere in Indiana, tears run down the face of the Plastic Gardener as she bemoans the injustice provided by the gods. Her Iced Hazelnut Macchiato Soy Starbucks drink tastes sour all of the sudden and provides her no joy.”
I agree with you except … Indiana?
More like the left coast. Or the People’s Republic of Boulder. I had to face the overgrown hippies from the latter today.
Who is the Plastic Gardener? Nancy “Gargoyle” Pelosi?
Shannon Watts… Moms Demand Action.
He Said Indiana Cause She Lives In indiana
[…] Go to this article […]
Since it was, in fact, a MOM who perpetrated the bug-nuttery….does that mean we can now take a page from the other side’s playbook and call for all MOMs to be branded ‘bug-nuts’ and have the full weight and force of .Gov strip them of their parental rights?
Lemonade stands in front of Infiniti dealerships?
I’m still wondering what exactly kicked it all off. I heard she was trying to break through the Barrycades in front of the White House, but I have a feeling that the police had been chasing her long before that.
On the other hand, she wasn’t carrying any forms of ID, so it sounds like she was trying to cause a stir.
But she brought her 3-year-old daughter along. Why would she do that!?
Sorry. Unlike the anti-gun crowd, I don’t feel like pointing and laughing about a little girl being orphaned until I know the whole story.
They’re saying she had a history of mental illness, so she might have been delusional or something. Which would just make it more sad since being mentally ill isn’t really the person’s fault either.
Yeah. She was insane. Since circa ’70 we closed down the asylums, a win-win for libs and cons, and they have nowhere to go but into circulation. Until they do something crazy enough and public enough that law enforcement punches their ticket.
“Why would she do that!?”
Because leaving her in the care of stranger would be irresponsible parenting, duh!
[…] reports were that the capitol was on lock down and shooter on the loose. And boy are their faces red. Not really, that would require the ability to feel […]
When I first heard this story on the MSM feeds, my initial reaction was that this lady’s behavior is distinctly non-mom-like. I had one question, and one question only, to verify the event was what they said it was:
The new updates seem to be consistently saying that, no, she did not. She had a car, a toddler, and a mental illness. There’s some speculation that she was confused, going the wrong way, tried to turn around, picked precisely the WRONG driveway in which to do so, and the Capitol Police over-reacted. Epically.
I predict this will become an “Only Ones” story in our corner of the Internets, but just like the Navy Yard shooting, it will fall out of MSM news feeds quickly because it doesn’t support any part of The Narrative.
[…] Don’t you love when Anti Gunners Jump the Gun? […]