Remember the “Ladies” going stupid at the drive thru of a Popeye’s in Palm Beach County?

Three Florida women have been arrested by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office for an attack in which a Popeyes employee was hit multiple times via the drive-thru window. All three suspects—Brianna Toombs, age 19; Chloe Arieigha Hernandez, 21; and Joanna Ceidi, 19—hail from West Palm Beach.

The alleged attack happened on Tuesday around 1 p.m. in the nearby town of Lantana. The trio was charged with robbery with a weapon and burglary with assault or battery, according to Local 10 News
The driver, Demarco Quant, told the South Florida Sun Sentinel one of the suspects sprayed an “unknown aerosol” through the window. “I couldn’t walk into the restaurant because everyone was running out coughing,” he said, adding the incident “was a moment I was totally shocked by.”
Two women from the group are alleged to have spat on the cashier. Police also say two of the women exited the car to attack two other employees inside the Popeyes. One of the women is accused of reaching into the drive-thru window to take cash out of the register.

3 Florida Women Arrested, 1 Still Missing After Being Filmed Attacking Popeyes Employee via Drive-Thru Window

As a society, we have allowed morality and good manners to become a putty-like concept which can be molded and forced to accept any behavior as acceptable if “reasons” are given. In fact, behaving correctly is now seen as some sort of perversion, something that is so off the new “community standards” that it has to be viewed as suspicious. If you haven’t caught people looking at you dubiously when you behaved politely to them, you haven’t been paying attention or still happily live in a nice neighborhood.

The people that keeps saying “violence is not the solution” keep being awfully intent on not only allowing behavior like this, but also encouraging it as it serves their political purposes. Of course they think they will be able to control this rampart behavior once they achieve absolute power and I am no saying they will not do it, but the amount to be paid on that bill will be staggering.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Drive Thru attack by Girls Gone Stupid”
  1. Somewhere along the line, society decided that manners were ‘fake’ and we needed to ‘keep it real’.

    And then we wonder why it became acceptable to act like a screaming retard when it used to be that sort of behavior would wreck your life (figuratively or literally) for the foreseeable future.

  2. They will of course be able to control this behavior. Because they will have absolute control and power over everything and they will use that power to kill off the entire population that is not liberal progressive utopia. These people will be just like every gun owner, Trump voter, registered republican, straight white male, every person that has any conservative values will be purged from the population. The Democrats want to mandate the complete and total extermination of the entire population of the United States that oppose or resist them. You really think they would NOT kill everyone left that they don’t view as a problem. These are Democrats. They want to mandate the complete and total extermination of the entire United States population, I’m talking the literal extermination of all human life in the United States minus themselves and some illegals to keep as slaves. Problem is there are at least some Democrats; maybe 5-10 percent who would oppose that. They will also be killed. These are Democrats and to them the extermination of over 330 million people is preferable to them losing power. And on a global scale the literal extermination of the entire population of the world is better than globalism failing.

    These are progressives. They quite literally view the human race as a parasite that needs to be eradicated from the planet. Minus themselves of course. The extermination of over 90% of the population of the United States if not the world is not only the right thing to do but morally justified and absolutely necessary. As long as they are the ones not doing the dying. And also so long as there are enough people they can use as slaves to keep up there lifestyle.

  3. I will bet every dollar in my wallet that these girls cannot believe they got arrested for these actions.

    They probably think their actions were completely justified, because “they dissed me.” or some other BS reason.

    Always got a kick out of that on the cop shows. Someone gets arrested for first degree murder, and in the interrogation room the suspect starts off with “they embarrassed me…” or some other BS reason. As if the cops would say “What! That is not OK. You are free to go.”

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