CSGV dropped this one on its Facebook timeline:
Here is the story as from the source the CSGV used:
Houston police responded to a shooting call around 11:15 p.m. Saturday at a Valero gas station on Jensen Drive at Reid Street in north Houston. Officials say two men jumped another man in the gas station parking lot and took the victim’s Chevrolet pickup truck. Police say a witness then pulled out a gun and began shooting at the suspects, accidentally hitting the carjacking victim in the head.
The victim was transported to a nearby hospital where he remains in stable condition. Police say the witness who shot at the suspects picked up shell casings and left the scene. Police found the stolen pickup truck about a mile down the road but are still searching for the suspects.
Source: One man injured after carjacking, shooting at gas station
And here is another source on the same incident:
A man was carjacked and beaten after he walked out of the Valero gas station late Saturday night in northeast Houston. But someone else who witnessed the crime helped end the attack.
The attack happened on Kelley at Jensen around 11pm. A man said he was hit on the head near a bus station on the edge of the parking lot. A witness saw what happened and as two suspects got in the man’s truck to escape, the witness pulled out a gun and shot at the departing truck. The suspect ditched the truck about three blocks away. Police found blood inside the truck. Investigators aren’t sure if the blood belongs to the suspect or the truck’s owner.The truck’s owner is in the hospital recovering.
Source: Witness who fired on carjackers sought after northwest Houston attack | abc13.com
I have my doubts on the first story and it is based on the brass-picking part of the report. Finding the brass you shot during the daytime and without any stress is hard enough, nighttime during SHTF? Doubtfully.
The second narrative is better written overall, but it is the story on both that still does not congeal for me and on this one? The distance between the bus stop and the store?
Google maps gives us a very nice view of both the gas station and the bus stop.

I would advance that the person that actually did the shooting was the victim and that he is a prohibited person which is the reason that we have a mysterious shooter that disappeared. My very speculative take? Drug deal went wrong or something of the kind.
Unless more info appears, I am not putting this one in the Defensive Gun Use column. The Opposition is already running with the other narrative and by now they are used to stories coming back to bite them in the ass.
Always check your sources.
Suggestion: there was no brass to be found because the third party was using a revolver.
You mean an evil black assault revolver that shoots untracable clips? ^^
Is that the kind of gun that has a rotating magazine-clip?
A rotating high-capacity Magazine-clip.
And also a shoulder thing that goes up.
Could be and that was my first thought, but as a whole the story smells funky.
I am going full tin foil hat on this one 😀
I just ran across this site saying the ame thng (CHL shoots victim), and links to a video of the newscast covering the story. What doe =s the video say? The man was hit over the head by the car-jackers. NOT the person with the gun.
[…] the original story was all nonsense. Nonsense? In the media? Whaaaaaa . . . ? Dueling Stories or why you double check. | Gun Free Zone There is something elegant and regal about a revolver. Reply With […]