AWA sent me this:

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — The Washington state Senate has voted to ban the manufacture, distribution and sale of firearm magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

The Seattle Times reports if the bill passes the House and becomes law, the ban would limit not just magazines for rifles that hold 20 or 30 rounds, but for a host of semiautomatic pistols, which often carry more than 10 rounds.

The late Wednesday vote on Senate Bill 5078 by the Senate’s Democratic majority marks the first time such a bill has passed a floor vote at the Legislature.

Whether Democrats can get the proposal through the House by the end of the legislative session — which concludes March 10 — remains unclear.

WA Senate OKs ban on sales of high-capacity gun ammunition | KOMO (

And while there surely are people fighting this in the Washington State House, the worse-case scenario protocol has been engaged: The Ballistic Streisand Effect is now engaged.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “Eff you and the Woke Llama your rode in on.”
  1. It is sad to think that people appear to believe that an 11th round is somehow more dangerous that the preceding 10 rounds.

    Also that since reloading is a time-intensive process, any laws that would increase the need to reload are somehow helpful.


    1. When the first (and only) ban came up in the bill, they asked them why 10 rounds? The reply was “It is a nice even number that would appeal” It had nothing to do with reason or science other than manipulation

  2. With practice you would be suprised how effin fast you can reload. Just buy more mags… I can see a blizzard of ol bloomys “gun control” making the rounds thru various states if said states dont turn red..stupid never goes away.

    1. Heck, even *without* practice it’s a few seconds unless you drop the magazine.

      In which case, the main thing is going for your second reload magazine rather than wasting time trying to retrieve your first reload.

      And … great. Next step, after banning normal-cap mags, will be limiting the number of magazines you can own.

  3. I currently live in washinistan. I have put up with all the woke crap because this state is so beautiful. The electric cars only mandate, the mandatory shot mandates, trying to teach my white honor roll children they are inferior, and the all other idiocy put me on the fence about leaving. Watching the smug cutesy way the libs acted while they voted against the US constitution made my blood boil. They will be banning possession within a couple of years, guaranteed. A few years ago they said ANY semi auto rifle was an “assault rifle”. They will ban possession of those next. I am the bad guy, being a white hetero conservative christian male with a job, with a single speeding ticket as my only lawlessness, in washinistan. I am touring Idaho and Montana next weekend. This state is done. I plan on having different license plates within 6 months or less. It will hurt financially but freedom is more important.

  4. I currently live in washinistan. I have put up with all the woke crap because this state is so beautiful. The electric cars only mandate, the mandatory shot mandates, trying to teach my white honor roll children they are inferior, and the all other idiocy put me on the fence about leaving. Watching the smug cutesy way the libs acted while they voted against the US constitution made my blood boil. They will be banning possession within a couple of years, guaranteed. A few years ago the said ANY semi auto rifle was an “assault rifle”. They will ban possession of those next. I am the bad guy, being a white hetero christian male with a job with a single speeding ticket as my only lawlessness, in washinistan. I am touring Idaho and Montana next weekend. This state is done. I plan on having different license plates within 6 months or less. It will hurt financially but freedom is more important.

    1. Yes, WA is pretty (it helps if you like rain — growing up in Holland gave me a lifetime supply of rain so I no longer care for it). But there are plenty of options. NH has similar scenery, though it’s a bit cooler. Idaho and Montana are gorgeous. If you want it a bit warmer, there’s Arizona. TN or KY may be options too, though I’ve never been to either of those.

      1. Visited my sister in Kentucky in November 2021. Beautiful state and kind, gracious, and friendly people. My sister left Washington as did a friend and they have not looked back. They love it.

      2. I’ve been in every state except Hawaii and Maine, multiple times, lived in eight. You can find absolutely beautiful country and people in all of them. I will say that the fascists are making it impossible to live in their areas, no matter how beautiful the state. Beautiful is not as important as peaceful.

  5. We need to build a fence around Pugetopia and starve them out. The rest of the state is quite conservative. BTW, one guess as to which company supplies the tabulation machines for King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties…

  6. Here we go again, just like with that last Colorado BS. Another ‘Berlin airlift’ for Magpuls and standard cap magazines. We’ve done this before.

  7. Then again — did Ruger build its 10-round magazine before those bans arrived, or after? If before, might they have been involved in the choice of the limit?

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