I am actually dozing off in the  middle of the day for the first time in a couple of weeks when the phone goes off with the HOLY SHIT! WE ARE BEING INVADED! alarm . In the waking state of confusion, I look at the message…

Crap! WTF is going on? Enacting SHTF protocols and signaling the missus to get her shit together and come home. And then strikes me “Who the fuck sent this shit?”

I check news station online and nothing. No BRAKING NEWS! STAY INSIDE! blurb anywhere.

Who was the effing moron sending shit like this?

“Don’t panic!” well, you ain’t helping!

Update: just in the news. The Miami Dade Mayor reported somebody in the emergency center got overly excited and that the emergency alert should have never been sent.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Emergency Alert Notification (UPDATE)”
  1. Yeah getting woke up in the middle of a perfectly good nap to be told to do what you’re already doing sucks. One reason I turned off my weather radio years ago, I got tired of being awakened in the middle of the night by the alert tone of doom to tell me there was a thunderstorm watch in my area.

  2. Chicago actually used the official Emergency Broadcast System yesterday evening, to DEMAND everyone stay off the lakefront, parks, paths, etc. We’re thinking “hey Groot, everyone who will listen to your orders is already listening. The rest aren’t going to listen to you, no matter what medium you try scolding them through.” Will be curious to see tonight’s evening news, and find out if there are still *gasp* joggers outside *clutches pearls* *faints*…

  3. I got an alert this morning – let’s see now, what was it – oh, yes: POLLEN NOTIFICATION.
    Didn’t come with the audible tornado-warning siren, though.
    Well, if I come down with the sneezles, I’ll know what to blame.

  4. Only react if message includes the words:
    “THE CHAIR IS AGAINST THE WALL; THE CHAIR IS AGAINST THE WALL. John has a long moustache. John has a long moustache”
    Then go ahead and grab the AK, the AR etc.

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