Via J.D. Kinman.

Full page Australian newspaper ad warning people to turn in their guns.



Update: Reader Loess made the following comment:

Anyone else get a little flash of Schindler’s List when a gun control ad has people in “showers”?

Indeed it does.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Even if you call it amnesty, it is still confiscation”
  1. How can any Strine have an unregistered gun? Aren’t we assured by the leftypigs that the previous confiscation buyback provided a Final Solution to gun ownership?

  2. “[G]et hold of a copy of The Gun Law Hand Book, free at any Police Station.”

    And with all the Judenrats telescreens cameras in the lobbies of such places, the police will know who is picking up these books, and they’ll know who to “check on” come 18 December.

  3. I am getting closer to the ideology that “after the first felony, the rest are free.”

    If this stupidity comes here under the Hildabeast, I have a choice to make.

    Given that I will not surrender any of my weapons, and that a felony would destroy my career, I am left with the lousy choices of concealment or violence if caught.

    The ONLY reason that a government will simultaneously deny any responsibility for citizen security (SCOTUS states no police duty to protect) and demand disarmament is to control and abuse me.

    I can surrender weapons now and be at the mercy of the government (see Nazi Germany, USSR, communist China, etc) or fight and get killed for sure, but take a few jack-booted thugs with me. I pray for the courage of the later if it all hits the fan.

    Why must I even contemplate this? Well we have evil Progressives/Democrats hell bent on controlling every bit of our lives.

    1. The progressives are going to put themselves in a very bad place if they attempt something like what Australia did here in America. When an otherwise peaceful, law abiding person is suddenly turned into a felon by a liberal despot (take your pick, we have plenty) then fear and desperation set in. When a person is faced with having their life ruined due to the tyrannical whims of a politician, they feel threatened and trapped. You have a career, a life, and all of that will come crashing down and you’ll be sent to prison, merely for possessing an item that was previously constitutionally protected but no longer is. That’s a scary person to deal with for a gun-grabber, because suddenly that person might not feel like they have anything to lose if someone comes to take their gun and lock them up. I think they’ll find out that threatening and terrifying a person into compliance might not work out so well in the end. If there are over 80 million gun owners in America, imagine if a million refused to go quietly. Hell, imagine if “only” 500,000 refused to go quietly. Imagine the death and destruction. I’d like to think even Hillary isn’t so arrogant and stupid, but you never know.

  4. That was my first thought: Jews in the Auschwitz showers, before I realised that it was an Australian prison shower.

  5. I dislike chest bumping and whatnot and generally consider the III Presenters a bit off, but every man has a red line. Which one crossed he starts shooting back. And to paraphrase Steve Earl: “the ATF has a chopper in the air but I learned a thing or two from Haji when I was over there”

    1. I am probably too cowardly to do what would need to be done if things got real bad. Of course, sometimes people rise to the occasion or fight back when cornered. All I know is that I will not start the fight, but I will try my best to end it.

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