The problem with Andrew Cuomo is that he got too big for his britches.

He was, according to the media, America’s Governor and the de facto president during COVID during the Trump administration.

But BidenHarris is President now, and Cuomo can’t be allowed to steal their thunder.

It’s time to take out Cuomo, and take them out they will, by exposing everything we knew to be true.  He completely fucked up New York’s COVID response.

From The New York Times:

9 Top N.Y. Health Officials Have Quit as Cuomo Scorns Expertise
“When I say ‘experts’ in air quotes, it sounds like I’m saying I don’t really trust the experts,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said of pandemic policies. “Because I don’t.”

The deputy commissioner for public health at the New York State Health Department resigned in late summer. Soon after, the director of its bureau of communicable disease control also stepped down. So did the medical director for epidemiology. Last month, the state epidemiologist said she, too, would be leaving.

The drumbeat of high-level departures in the middle of the pandemic came as morale plunged in the Health Department and senior health officials expressed alarm to one another over being sidelined and treated disrespectfully, according to five people with direct experience inside the department.

Their concern had an almost singular focus: Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo.

In recent weeks, the governor has repeatedly made it clear that he believed he had no choice but to seize more control over pandemic policy from state and local public health officials, who he said had no understanding of how to conduct a real-world, large-scale operation like vaccinations. After early problems, in which relatively few doses were being administered, the pace of vaccinations has picked up and New York is now roughly 20th in the nation in percentage of residents who have received at least one vaccine dose.

In Albany, tensions worsened in recent months as state health officials said they often found out about major changes in pandemic policy only after Mr. Cuomo announced them at news conferences — and then asked them to match their health guidance to the announcements.

There is way more in the article than I can share here, I highly recommend that you read the whole thing.

Pretty much Cuomo made unilateral decisions that went against everything this experts said, then when they spoke up he bullied them until they quit.

New York has had more deaths than any state, a terrible vaccination rollout,  Cuomo is personally responsible for that, but has time to write a book about how great he was.

This should come as no surprise to those of us who paid attention to the situation, but the fact that the NYT is exposing this is new.

Also, Jake Tapper of CNN putting this out after CNN’s Chris Cuomo covered for his older brother for weeks.

They covered Cuomo’s ass for almost a year.  There is no reason to stop now and expose a big wig in The Party of Science® of being worse than Trump in trusting experts.


There is a reason to take Cuomo out.

Pictured: Representative of the Biden Harris administration meeting with Governor Cuomo

This is true third world, banana republic, mad despot type stuff.  Nobody is safe in either party at any time if they are a threat to BidenHarris.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Everything we suspected about Cuomo is true and now that he’s no longer useful the long knives are out for him”
      1. Careful. Once Biden/Harris term out and the media has a new Republican bogeyman, the DNC nod will be up for grabs again.

        And CNN has a memory shorter than a goldfish when it comes to Democrat scandals.(“Email servers? What email servers? Benghazi? What’s that?”)

        In 8 or 12 years, Killer Andy will be their golden boy once again. He might just get his shot at the Oval Office.

        1. My gut says no. Killer Andy is a cis-het white man, elected in one particular state because of his daddy’s name.
          In other words, a local one hit wonder.

          1. And Biden is a cis-het white man, nominated and elected because he’s the former VP to the First Black(-ish) President. (And because of massive, industrial-scale fraud, but that’s another issue.)

            All it will take is for President Kamala to select Killer Andy as the new VP after Joe is out. All will be forgiven and Andy’s “leadership” will go national.

            In 8 or 12 years, as the former VP of the First Female President of Color, he’ll be a shoo-in for the nomination.

            1. Even then, I really doubt it. Sunset Joe was a naked appeal to the Obama worshipers, and had a bit of leftover cachet for the old line Democratic base- union guys and like. Which has been dumped hard.
              Killer Andy, I just don’t see as having appeal outside of the Manhattanites, and would just be another Bloomberg without the $$$.
              Nor do I see him as being appealing to Kamela as a Veep pick. She’ll either be all about the ‘breaking new ground’ and pick someone with a whole lotta SJW points… or she’ll make a solid play for the middle and pick Tusi.

  1. Off-topic, but I’ll leave it here.

    If you do a mish-mash of Harris’ and Biden’s names, you might get “Harriden”.

    And the dictionary definition of “harridan” is “an ill-tempered, scolding woman”.

    Not far off, if I may say.

  2. Machiavelli had some advice for successful* generals under a tyrant- either resign and go into exile, or stage an immediate coup.
    Because tyrants always see successful underlings as a threat- just ask Zhukov.

    *while not actually successful, the media feted him as such

  3. Maybe they will just kill off each other… kind compassionate democrats. Amazin anyone is dumb enough to vote for them

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