This is the latest indoctrination video courtesy of the marketing geniuses paid by Michael Bloomberg:

I think the part that pissed me off the most is the 911 caller “Do you have a restraining order?” Paper does not beat abusive ex-boyfriend, OK?

Unfortunately for Everytown/Moms Demand, we had a counter-video long before they came up with this Lifetime Original piece of crap:

Refuse to be a victim..shoot the bastard.

Hat tip to Bob Owens


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Everytown Video Fail: Which one you rather be?”
  1. So…the restraining order and 911 didn’t stop the guy from taking her kid…and she tried to go all combatives on the guy, he shot her.

    Aside from the rather negative portrayal of Glock owners, this sort of screams “pro-gun” to me.

    Like the next half of the video needs to be her pulling out her Ruger SR-1911 Commander and dropping the ass hat as he stands.

    And yes, I turned this video into a Glock v 1911 thing, because that argument is still more intelligent that Bloomberg’s group/video

    1. I turned this video into a Glock v 1911 thing, because that argument is still more intelligent that Bloomberg’s group/video

      One of the constants in out Gun World…. tougher than zombies 🙂

      1. Like zombies as in the living dead that were all the craze in the early 2010s or the Shannon Watts type zombie?

        I promise I’m not deliberately trolling, this is just what happens when I get stuck as the OD when half the friggin BDE is on extended leave.

  2. Just give him what he wants…

    Seriously, not sure what the message is here. If he didn’t have a gun all that would have happened is he would have beaten the crap out of her and taken her son?

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