Mark Charles Glaze, a longtime D.C. resident who was gay, died Oct. 31 in Scranton, Pa., by suicide while being held on DUI and other charges at the Lackawanna County Prison, according to a statement posted to his Facebook page by family.

Glaze was involved in a car accident on I-81 in Dunmore, Pa., on Sept. 9 and fled the scene, according to police.

Mark Glaze, gun reform advocate, dies at 51 (


Glaze was being held at Lackawanna County Prison after his arrest on September 9th for fleeing the scene of a car accident in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. Police charged him with DUI, accidents involving deaths or personal injury, abandoning a vehicle on the highway and careless driving, according to court documents.

Founder of America’s gun control movement kills himself while in prison on DU charge | Daily Mail Online

This is the space usually reserved for being nice and not speak ill of the dead even though he may had not deserve such consideration. Instead I simply say this: Mark Glaze’s car has injured/killed more people than any and all of my guns.

Yet, I am told I am the dangerous one

UPDATE:  From a local newspaper. The rest of the story is behind a paywall so I cannot confirm the death of Sue Barbacane which happened on the same area and date. 

Pat Croce says woman killled in accident was his longtime assistant (

(It seems her death was unrelated)

Washington, D.C., man charged in hit-and-run crash | Crime-Emergency |

And this screen cap is from an article in the Daily Mail about his death.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Everytown’s Mark Glaze is dead. (UPDATE w/ unconfirmed information)”
  1. I will quietly observe that Leftists often have mental health diagnoses in their Twitter and Tumblr bios, conservatives don’t. Then again Leftists also frequently have their self assigned Hogwarts house in their bios as if aligning oneself with factions in a fictitious elite prep school shows one’s superiority.
    Mr. Glaze played a stupid game, won a stupid prize and unlike Jeffrey Epstein I believe he truly did hang himself.

  2. My condolences to his son and the rest of his family.

    I spent about five minutes looking for the story on the traffic crash, and could not find it.

      1. Using the search phrase of a driver fleeing the scene in Dunmore PA and the date returns several hits for Sue Barbacane’s obituary. All of those sites at those links are infected with malware…..
        Where is MADD when you need them?

  3. It’s a bit over the top to call Everytown, “America’s gun control movement,” but I suppose that’s the Daily Mail. Everytown is just another bunch of irrational tyrants that want to force their will on everyone.

    Just like it’s totally irrelevant to say, ” a longtime D.C. resident who was gay.” What in world does being gay have to do with even one element of that story?

  4. “Mark Glaze’s car has injured/killed more people than any and all of my guns.”

    If we go by the anti gun standard of using suicide as a gun violence statistic, I say his suicide has to be counted as part of the car accident

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