The Zuckbots have gone schizophrenic. The last I hard from them was the post did follow community standards
And I just got this message:
And here is the hilarious part: I can still post and comment.
PS: Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot are still accepted Mass Murderers for Facebook.
Facebooks idea of a dangerous individual: every single United stated citizen that voted fir Trump and/or own a gun. As well as every single solitary United States citizen that has white skin and is heterosexual. And be sure to include every single solitary United States citizen that opposes the left in any way shape or form.
Facebooks idea of a mass murderer: Trump, Trump voters and every single United States citizen that owns a gun.
Facebooks desire: the total control of all information on the internet with the suppression and destruction of all who oppose them including the the mandated extermination the entire United state population that voted for Trump, is a Republican, owns a gun or has any conservative values.
Facebook would not consider the democrats nuclear carpet bombing the population of the United States with the goal of the complete and total extermination of every single United States citizen that voted for Trump, supports Trump, is a registered Republican, owns a firearm, opposes the democrats as well as the entire population of the United stars that opposes that culminating in the extermination of all human life in the United States except democrats and people that support democrats as genocide. Facebook and pretty much all of Silicon Valley do not view anyone not them or members of the democrat party as human so it can’t be genocide and the deliberate extermination of human life since only they are human.
The democrats joke about nuking gun owners but it is no joke. To them that is an acceptable course of action. And when the United States population as a whole turns against the democrats WHEN (when, not if) they deploy the first nuke they know the only way to stay in power is to kill all who oppose them even if it means killing the entire United States population. But again, the ultimate goal of the democrats is the extermination of the entire United States population that opposes or resists them. It’s a win win. They get to kill every single solitary person that oppose them as an added bonus are able to create there utopia where only they and them live.
Everything I just posted was insane hyperbolic madness. However the thing is how many are in at least partial agreement to what I just posted?
Only one thing wrong with the pic: Hitler was an Android user. He loves him some Google!
Revisionist! Hitler was an Apple Freak!
That is unfairly slandering artsy-fartsy types we all know he was a proud windows phone user.