Stolen from Mad Duck Training.

I know there are a lot of experts of the bladed arts out there who frown on having the blade used in a downward movement. But then again and from what I had read in the past and what shows in this video, the fact that bad guys use that movement precisely and deadly. I believe it is also the preferred style in prison when they really want you dead fast. From initial stab to collapsing over the table (very likely dead), the time as 14 seconds.

Ego will get you killed.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

11 thoughts on “Fatal Stabbing because reality ain’t Hollywood (Graphic Content)”
    1. More than likely it was the left subclavian artery. The blood was spurting out and bright red. The subclavian is a large artery, and cutting it will cause unconsciousness and death in less than a minute.

  1. I know there are a lot of experts of the bladed arts out there who frown on having the blade used in a downward movement.

    There are also a lot of experts in non-bladed martial arts who frown on “haymaker” punches (actually, I’ve never seen one who advocates them), and if you’re trained and thinking tactically, they’re right. Haymakers telegraph like crazy — you can see them coming a mile away — and are easily countered, and if you make contact wrong in any way, you’re likely to hurt your hand more than your target.

    However, if a victim is not trained or thinking tactically (read: dropping situational awareness, or in “Condition White”), they are extremely effective. Most “Knockout Game” incidents — including all the fatal ones AFAIK — have been haymakers on inattentive victims.

    Just because the experts think it’s a bad idea doesn’t mean it’s not used in the wild, often to great effect.

  2. And this right here is why knives scare me, it was so quick I had to watch the video multiple time to work out exactly what happened…

  3. Looks like the victim was concentrating on their faces and words. I don’t think he even realized that there was a knife about to be deployed.

  4. Yep, like chopping a log… Lots of hits in the shoulder/neck area. He was dead before he ever hit the ground. And the killer calmly walked away.

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