So FedEx sent out a Tweet regarding its policy on assault weapons.   Hint: it hates them and thinks only the military should have them.

That is a very anti gun attitude.  FedEx is a common carrier allowed to ship firearms.  I know that I no longer want anything I sell on Gunbroker to go by FedEx.   I have a feeling many FFL fell the same way.  

But did you notice that the FedEx statement didn’t denounce the NRA?

Well David Hogg did.

He is now organizing a boycott of FedEx.

In one Tweet, FedEx managed to royally piss off the anti gun and pro gun communities.

This is why getting into political issues as a corporation is bad.  FedEx fucked itself on both ends.

This is on top of my hatred for UPS.   Remember that UPS Stores are franchises and don’t ship guns, you have to go to a UPS hub to do that.

All they had to do was shut up, but they couldn’t do that.  I hope the sense of satisfaction was worth it because it’s not going be good for the balance sheet.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “FedEx f**ks itself to death”
  1. Damned memory kicked up late. FedEx had a Mass Casualty Event back in 2014 in Georgia. But the shooter used a shotgun so I have no idea where the hate comes from.
    And I almost forgot; That FedExx office shared something with many other mass shootings. Gun Free Zones.


  2. Sorry, I could not find the offensive anti gun position that is referred to. I could not find anything which stated that FedEx would not continue to ship guns. Of course their reference to “assault guns” does not apply to semi automatic rifles or pistols. I can tolerate their concern about shooting tragedies, but I don’t see a tie between those radical acts and the shipment of legally purchased firearms by them.

    1. Try reading again.

      What do you think they mean by “opposes assault rifles being in the hands of civilians,” and “FEDEx believes urgent action is required at the local, state and federal level…”

      They are a common carrier, but would happily not ship your shit if they can just get the laws changed to let them not ship guns.

      And if you are sarcastically trolling me, damn I bit hard on that bait?

      1. Hi rd,
        I’m positively Pro-gun. NRA Life Benefactor member. Nothing sarcastically trolling here. My response is in regards to the reference to “Assault guns”. The anti-gun faction attempts to label semi auto rifles (AR15 etc) as assault guns, and they are NOT “Assault guns”. It is only an attempt to sway the innocents or unknowledgeable (Sheep) into thinking that America’s favorite rifle is evil and responsible for killing innocent persons. They cannot conceive that there has NEVER been ANY gun which has loaded itself, aimed at, shot at, injured or killed anyone without SOMEONE having loaded it, aimed it, and pulled the trigger. It is NOT the gun to blame. It is the person behind the gun, who, if no gun was available could/would choose some other instrument to use to inflict harm. Knife, ball bat, 2X4, pipe, bomb, auto etc.
        A rifle designed for use by our battlefield military with a full auto fire capability could be called an assault gun, but semi autos & even guns fitted with a bump stock or double trigger, are NOT full auto, and therefore are NOT assault guns. Very few, if any, assault guns ever come into the possession of “civilians”.
        FedEx’s comment, as was recognized by another responder was middle of the road, and, as it was observed, it would have been better if they had remained silent because persons on BOTH sides of the road would inevitably react.
        If you have not previously discovered Guns Save Life Inc. check out their website at for some down to earth commentary.

  3. Join the Military hogghead. You could earn more respect and quite possibly know what the fuk you are talking about. No safe places though…..are you man enough snowflake?

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