According to the automated translation via Chrome of this article, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, member of the European Parliament for Finland told the European Commission that they “ should make a clear distinction between terrorists and criminals legitimately shooting enthusiasts.”
She went on to ask in writing how the new regulations would affect the “prevention of illicit arms trafficking, organized crime and terrorism”, without limiting the Finnish defense.” Finland does not have a professional army like other European nations and like Switzerland, depends on its armed population for the defense of the country.” And they are good at it, ask the Russians.
An excerpt from the book, “Finland at War: The Winter War 1939-40”,
“As one Finnish soldier astutely summarized the situation on the eve of the war: “We are so few and they are so many. Where will we find the room to bury them all?”
You gotta love the Finns.
Ah yes, the Winter War. Wasn’t one Finnish soldier quoted as saying “I didn’t know a tank could burn that long.”
Also, woo! Scandinavia and the World!
SatW has actually a pretty fair representation of America.
Then there is Hetalia…
Then they try and say a armed public is useless maybe they should rethink this one.