
A psychotic, racist white woman and racist cops tormenting a black family in the suburbs.

After a year of the worst racial tension since 1965, with nationwide race riots, they decide to make this movie.

Hollywood is evil, pure evil.

There is no reason for this except to make us hate each other even more.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “F**k Hollywood to death with woodchippers and Killdozers, there was no reason to make this move except to increase hate and division”
  1. This is basically a remake of Lakeview Terrace, this 2008 movie with Samuel L. Jackson playing the role of a racist black cop hating his white new neighbor.

  2. If they cannot have a class war to destroy society, so that they can bring about their Marxist utopia (or rule over the ruins), then they will do their damnedest to foment a race war for the same purpose.
    It is the chaos they desire, for they think they can control it before it eats them, too.

    1. Okay, so we accept the notion they want a race war.
      What is their desired end state?
      Simple demographic statistics show how a ‘real’ race war will end up, and some indications are that a lot of a supposed race war will not just be White v, but Brown v Black as well.
      I can easily come to a conclusion that the demoncraps are the real face of anti-black politics and want a return to a much smaller (survivor) population of blacks that are either returned to the plantations in a state of slavery, or more easily totally exportable to the west African states

      1. Given that they are either Communist agents or Communist fellow travelers, the obvious explanation is that they are working towards the destruction of the USA for the benefit of their masters.

  3. The DC tyrants must keep Americans divided by B vs W, R vs D, etc.
    If Americans united – the DC tyrants would not have a chance.

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