Eternally relevant song by Kathleen Taylor: “Soul Stealers“.
Everything they say is based on a false premise. Masks do not work to stop viruses. So says the CDC and the people who make N95 masks. And if an N95 mask doesn’t work, then your Amazon yoga pants face diaper is garbage. Likewise, if the vaccines worked, masks would be unnecessary. Just top to bottom fallacies and illogical medical nonsense based on activism and fear.
There’s so much BS to unravel that they make it hard to even refute everything, because where the hell do we even begin?
Brandolini’s Bullshit Asymmetry Principle in action. “it takes 10 times more energy to refute bullshit than to produce it.”
Aw man someone formulated a rule for that? Crap. I always called it the “bullshit paradox” because it takes more energy to dismantle bullshit than to produce it.
This is one of the things they keep mixing up. No scientists anywhere that I can tell.
The latest excuse is that vaccinated people can (in rare case, which isn’t quantified of course) be infected and actually infectious. Ok, but so what? It is known that infectious people are a tiny danger to infected people. In other words, if I am (a) vaccinated, (b) infected, (c) infectious — and of course the probability of all that is ver low — then I may perhaps be a danger to unvaccinated people. So what? They chose to be that way; it is not my problem.
Democrats are like my EX wife….. NOTHING is good enough.. they start this crap again they will be amazed at the F YOU attitude We the People will have
Curby: Yep. It appears that this whole contretemps is NOT about “infection control”, rather, just as with “gun control”, the salient part is”…CONTROL…”
“Masks are useless”
“No, wait! Wear a mask or you are killing grandma!”
“Get the vaccine or you are killing grandma!” (same fools, Feb 1 2021)
“Get the vaccine or you are not very smart!” (a: as if Jhiao Bribem would recognize “smart”, b: as if i gave a rat’s ass about Jhaio’s opinion of my smarts, or lack thereof. c; see points below.)
“Wear a mask, even if you are vaccinated because (shudder) DELTA VARIANT!”
(am I the only one who notices that when the enemedia screams about DELTA! VARIANT!, they do not provide numbers of infections, numbers hospitalized, numbers who died by/with THE! DELTA! VARIANT!? And, if the “vaccine” indeed is needful lest we contract the rona, then why should those of us who are “vaccinated”, require masking? Anybody who slept through a (nursing)(medical) school class on immunology, will know that there will ALWAYS be somebody who, for whatever reason, will not acquire protection from any vaccination: this holds true for tetanus, diphtheria, measles, chickenpox/shingles, and so forth. So, (a) nothing new, as well as (b) in real vaccinations, a trifling small problem, unless YOU are the one who did not develop protection.)
“SHUN those heretics who refuse vaccination!” Cool. My clinic, presently, is operating with 3.5 providers, and requires, oh, say, 6 in order to be fully staffed. I do not plan on accepting the “vaccine”. It may, therefore, come to pass that my employer discharges me. (a) unemployment! (mixed feelings) (b0 age discrimination! (c)let me know how that short staffing thing works out for y’all. Presently, when administration asks us to work extra, and offers time off plus wage in return, all of us have responded, “if we are this short staffed, how am I going to burn up time off? Tell you what, for time-and-a-half, I’ll consider it!”. Administration has not accepted this offer. Ought to make staffing (when you are BELOW half staffing) an entertaining conundrum. But, NOT my conundrum!)
Then, of course, there is the “transvaxer” solution: “I am a vaccinated individual, trapped by cruel fate in an unvaccinated body! How dare you assume my vaccination status! H8TER!”
I trust the science, the scientists not so much.
What scientists? None of the people we have heard of are scientists. At the most they are bureaucrats with an academic diploma. (Possible exception: Deborah Birx — who has vanished from public view quite a while ago.)
The most blatant example is “Dr” Ghebreyesus, the head of the WHO. They keep calling him that, not ever making it clear that he’s not an MD. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He got the job because he was a mid-level bureaucrat in a terrorist group in Ethiopia run by Red China, which later ended up in control there. So the Chinese got him a sinecure knowing they already owned him.
Eternally relevant song by Kathleen Taylor: “Soul Stealers“.
Everything they say is based on a false premise. Masks do not work to stop viruses. So says the CDC and the people who make N95 masks. And if an N95 mask doesn’t work, then your Amazon yoga pants face diaper is garbage. Likewise, if the vaccines worked, masks would be unnecessary. Just top to bottom fallacies and illogical medical nonsense based on activism and fear.
There’s so much BS to unravel that they make it hard to even refute everything, because where the hell do we even begin?
Brandolini’s Bullshit Asymmetry Principle in action. “it takes 10 times more energy to refute bullshit than to produce it.” (original tweet)
(article within which I found the link to the tweet:
Aw man someone formulated a rule for that? Crap. I always called it the “bullshit paradox” because it takes more energy to dismantle bullshit than to produce it.
This is one of the things they keep mixing up. No scientists anywhere that I can tell.
The latest excuse is that vaccinated people can (in rare case, which isn’t quantified of course) be infected and actually infectious. Ok, but so what? It is known that infectious people are a tiny danger to infected people. In other words, if I am (a) vaccinated, (b) infected, (c) infectious — and of course the probability of all that is ver low — then I may perhaps be a danger to unvaccinated people. So what? They chose to be that way; it is not my problem.
Democrats are like my EX wife….. NOTHING is good enough.. they start this crap again they will be amazed at the F YOU attitude We the People will have
Curby: Yep. It appears that this whole contretemps is NOT about “infection control”, rather, just as with “gun control”, the salient part is”…CONTROL…”
“Masks are useless”
“No, wait! Wear a mask or you are killing grandma!”
“I don’t trust Trump’s vaccine!” (Ms. Harris, Mr Biden summer 2020)
“Get the vaccine or you are killing grandma!” (same fools, Feb 1 2021)
“Get the vaccine or you are not very smart!” (a: as if Jhiao Bribem would recognize “smart”, b: as if i gave a rat’s ass about Jhaio’s opinion of my smarts, or lack thereof. c; see points below.)
“Wear a mask, even if you are vaccinated because (shudder) DELTA VARIANT!”
(am I the only one who notices that when the enemedia screams about DELTA! VARIANT!, they do not provide numbers of infections, numbers hospitalized, numbers who died by/with THE! DELTA! VARIANT!? And, if the “vaccine” indeed is needful lest we contract the rona, then why should those of us who are “vaccinated”, require masking? Anybody who slept through a (nursing)(medical) school class on immunology, will know that there will ALWAYS be somebody who, for whatever reason, will not acquire protection from any vaccination: this holds true for tetanus, diphtheria, measles, chickenpox/shingles, and so forth. So, (a) nothing new, as well as (b) in real vaccinations, a trifling small problem, unless YOU are the one who did not develop protection.)
“SHUN those heretics who refuse vaccination!” Cool. My clinic, presently, is operating with 3.5 providers, and requires, oh, say, 6 in order to be fully staffed. I do not plan on accepting the “vaccine”. It may, therefore, come to pass that my employer discharges me. (a) unemployment! (mixed feelings) (b0 age discrimination! (c)let me know how that short staffing thing works out for y’all. Presently, when administration asks us to work extra, and offers time off plus wage in return, all of us have responded, “if we are this short staffed, how am I going to burn up time off? Tell you what, for time-and-a-half, I’ll consider it!”. Administration has not accepted this offer. Ought to make staffing (when you are BELOW half staffing) an entertaining conundrum. But, NOT my conundrum!)
Then, of course, there is the “transvaxer” solution: “I am a vaccinated individual, trapped by cruel fate in an unvaccinated body! How dare you assume my vaccination status! H8TER!”
I trust the science, the scientists not so much.
What scientists? None of the people we have heard of are scientists. At the most they are bureaucrats with an academic diploma. (Possible exception: Deborah Birx — who has vanished from public view quite a while ago.)
The most blatant example is “Dr” Ghebreyesus, the head of the WHO. They keep calling him that, not ever making it clear that he’s not an MD. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He got the job because he was a mid-level bureaucrat in a terrorist group in Ethiopia run by Red China, which later ended up in control there. So the Chinese got him a sinecure knowing they already owned him.