I am going backwards here, so bear with me:

NRA-ILA Generic

URGE HIM TO SIGN SB-128 Burden of Proof and SB-1052 Justifiable Use of Force.

THEN, SEND the Governor an EMAIL to be sure he knows why this is important. In the subject line put: PLEASE sign Self-defense bills SB-128 and SB-1052

Use the following email address to contact the Governor:


What for?


One, SB-128 Burden of Proof by Sen. Rob Bradley and Rep. Bobby Payne restores the presumption of innocence in self-defense cases by putting the burden of proof BACK ON THE STATE where it belongs.

The second,  SB-1052 Justifiable Use of Force  by Sen. David Simmons and Rep. Cord Byrd corrects a 2014 drafting error (by a member of the House Criminal Justice Committee Staff) resulting in a requirement that citizens be under attack in their own homes before exercising self-defense – and in some circumstances imposing a duty to retreat from your home before exercising self-defense.

Abusive prosecutors and anti-gun organizations are already working hard trying to get the Governor to veto these bills.  Prosecutors and anti-gun State Attorneys are lobbying the Governor’s staff with hysterical predictions and disinformation about the burden of proof and self-defense issues. They conspired to deprive you of your basic fundamental right of innocence until proven guilty, in self-defense cases, and are aggressively fighting to stop the restoration of those rights.

You must help us fight this attack on your self-defense rights. PLEASE contact the Governor immediately.

OK People, One Phone Call and one email is not gonna kill you. You know the Opposition is not calling but probably using hired callers. Get moving!

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Florida: 2 Critically Important Bills on Governor’s Desk. HELP NEEDED NOW”
  1. There’s a part of me that wants to see these go unsigned just so I don’t have to listen to the NRA bragging about all the good they did us this session.

    After sitting on their asses while, how many bills was it, got killed in committee by their A-rated congresscritters.

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