I was checking stats and almost 9% of Floridians have a Concealed Weapons Permit. Think about it: one in eleven people you see anywhere in Florida is legally carrying a firearm for self-defense. From praying in Church to ordering a Happy Meal at Mickey D’s.
We are also a fully 10% of all carry permits in the US.
And this is when they call us The Gunshine State, we like it!
“And you say that like it is a bad thing.”
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Florida Awesome CWP Stats”
  1. “one in eleven people you see anywhere in Florida is legally carrying a firearm for self-defense.”

    Something else I like to point out is that is ALL people. If you primarily hang around law abiding adults, the ratios get even more dramatic :-).

  2. Well, yes and no.
    A lot of CWP holders (maybe most) don’t carry all the time, or even most of the time. They only carry when they’re traveling, or when they go to the stop-and-rob for a quart of milk, or when they have to drive through certain cities or neighborhoods. And some never carry at all; they just have the permit for “emergencies,” e.g., hurricanes.
    But yeah, a 9% permit rate is impressive, especially when you consider the rates in other states.

  3. Well, remember, Florida was first, 30 years ago, to implement a “shall issue” law.

    (I remember it well. The news rags predicted “blood in the streets”.)

    Yup. So Florida had a head start.

  4. Florida does not distinguish between resident CHL and licenses issued to non-residents. This could see the statistics, was it accounted for in calculating the rate?

  5. South Carolina.
    Population (2016) 21+, 3,238,538
    Concealed Weapons Permits (Dec. 2016), 308,406

  6. “one in eleven people you see anywhere in Florida is legally carrying a firearm for self-defense.” They walk amonst you every day.
    They are the polite ones.

  7. I’ve always liked the Gay Pride bumper sticker that says, “We Are Everywhere”.
    Only I think I mean a different thing by it than the originators would have intended.

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