We are getting closer to the magic 2 million!

Apparently, trying to “shame” people and keep them away from guns simply is not working. If I am reading this right, so far this year 198,134 new licenses have been issued.

And according to the profile report, women had a one percent uptick and are now 26% of the CWP population or 504,059 Ladies from Florida with a Concealed Weapons Permit.

[engage happy dance mode]

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Florida Concealed Weapons report for May 2018. (You may smile big)”
  1. Great!

    Now lets all go out and find a non gun person and convert them to a gunny. Find a neighbor, or a colleague at work, someone at the gymn or church? Convince them to shoot a round of trap or skeet? Take them out to shoot a handgun or three at the range. Introduce them to Appleseed?

  2. So out of nearly 2 Million CCW holders, 0.0087% lost their licenses for illegally using a gun.

    Also, there are nearly twice as many CCWs in FL alone as there are total LEOs (local, state, and Federal) in the US (1.1 million).


    There are almost as many FL CCW as there are police and military COMBINED in the USA.

    Tell me again how we’re the problem.

  3. 12k denied due to disqualifying history, that’s a surprisingly large number. Does it mean those people were not legally authorized to be gun owners? If so, applying for a CCW permit seems like a bad idea. Or does FL have unusually sloppy rules for who may be denied?

  4. So if there have been almost 200,000 licenses issued this year, that’s about 20 weeks so about 10,000 per week. We’re about 80,000 short, so in 8 weeks we’ll cross 2 Million. End of July or early August.


  5. South Carolina.
    Concealed Weapon Permit Statistics for 2017
    Active Permits as of January 1, 2018…….324,923
    Permits Issued in 2017…………………103,169
    -New Permits Issued in 2017………….33,668
    -Renewal Permits Issued in 2017………69,501
    Permits Denied in 2017…………………..1,130
    Permits Revoked in 2017……………………533

    324,923 out of an over 21 population of approximately 3,500,000 is about 9.2%.
    However, in Horry County where I live the rate is just over 10% and about 25% are women.

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