General Bill by Book (CO-SPONSORS) Stewart; Rodriguez
Transfers of Firearms: Requiring transfers of firearms to be conducted through a licensed dealer; requiring deposit of the firearm with the licensed dealer under certain circumstances; providing for disposition of the firearm if the licensed dealer cannot legally complete the transaction or return the firearm to its owner; requiring law enforcement agencies to report to the Attorney General any violation by licensed dealers, etc.
In the Senate’s Judiciary and Infrastructure and Security committees

Text of the Bill. 

Many of the usual problems suddenly associated with the meaning of the word “transfer” other than an outright sale. It makes loaning of a firearm such a complex exercise, you will not want a risk of ending up in jail because you may have interpreted the law the wrong way. Example: If you loan a gun to a person under 18 for  “for lawful hunting or sporting purposes or for any other lawful recreational activity” you are don’t have to be around as long as the minor is with a responsible adult. But if you loan a gun to a person over 18 for “for lawful hunting or sporting purposes or for any other lawful recreational activity”, you have to be with the recipient of the gun for the “transfer” to be legal.

Here a transfer “exception” that scares me as it is undefined:

The temporary transfer of a firearm if such transfer is to prevent immediate or imminent death or great bodily harm to one’s self or others,

Don’t forget that same as Duty to Retreat, you do not get to decide what constitutes “immediate.” That will be done by people who are not there nor have knowledge of the situation and are hankering for a nice fat gun arrest.

(Update) One more thing: If the transaction fails and the FFL cannot approve the sell and cannot return the weapon to the seller, they have to send it to local LEO within 24 hours for disposal. Knowing that appealing denials take months and months, you can imagine the cluster flock that awaits FFLs and LEO Agencies. Who is gonna pay for the storage of the firearms? Or if the LEO Agency destroys the weapon and the Appeal goes through, are they liable for destruction of private property?

If the licensed dealer cannot legally return the firearm to the seller or other transferor, the licensed dealer must deliver the firearm to the sheriff of the county in which the licensed dealer is located within 24 hours for disposition as provided in s. 790.08(5).

You have the link to the text, have fun and read.

SB 94 – Universal Background Check via FFL – BAD BILL


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on “Florida Gun Rights 2020 – SB 94 – Universal Background Check via FFL – BAD BILL (updated)”
  1. “The temporary transfer of a firearm if such transfer is to prevent immediate or imminent death or great bodily harm to one’s self or others,”

    Uhhh…. what?

    Does this mean that if I stop a murder or suicide, I can grab the gun and secure it without fear of getting arrested?

    Well, I guess that is a bit better than standing there letting it happen because touching the gun would be a crime.

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