I am not going to start right before Christmas, but even when you are getting ready to celebrate, be advised our enemies are already working.

Bills eliminating concealed carry under the guise of “safe storage,” banning 3D printed firearms, Universal Background Checks and the ever popular banning of “assault weapons” and high capacity ammunition devices have already been introduced.

I’ll start getting stuff ready after Christmas and the do the usual Good Bill and Bad Bill posts.

And can we get at least four or more people to attend hearings this coming year? I still refuse to believe we cannot get anybody living in Tallahassee to attend and have to leave human presence to Moms Demand and affiliates.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Florida Legislature: Here we go again.”
  1. Florida needs the Florida Carry organization to pull out all the stops. Emulating the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) would be a huge step in the right direction. VCDL coordinates a yearly “meet at the statehouse” in Richmond, and signs up buses specifically to take members to Richmond from around the state. Members sign up in advance, and with enough riders, the bus is paid for. People don’t mind driving 25 miles to meet the bus at the designated location, and save a 100 mile drive, and also the headache of finding a parking space. Best of all, you are in a bus full of 2A supporters!
    VCDL spearheaded the Sanctuary County movement last January and got 90% of the state to sign on.
    Politically, Virginia is mostly red all over the map, but small blue areas are densely populated. That’s how Virginia got stuck with an idiot governor and a bunch of morons in the legislature.
    But VCDL has had a great impact with the Sanctuary movement.
    If Florida Carry doesn’t step up and do the job, maybe an FCDL can be put together?

    1. I know its a long way to Tallahassee from just about anywhere in Florida. Like 481 miles by road from Miami to Tallahassee.
      So Miggy, I don’t think its apathy more than just 2 whole days on the road and two nights (or more) in a motel.
      Expensive for normal people.

      Is there a way that Floridians can attend the legislative process without having to drive to Tallahassee?

      1. Leon County where Tally is located and the counties immediately surrounding it sport a total of 37,000 Floridians with concealed weapons permits.

        We can’t find FOUR to show up to at least one committee meeting?

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