Just the official Florida Election watch.. where they have to actually count.



At time of posting, Trump ahead by 1.2% Enough to calm the legal beasts.


I am getting an ulcer.

Update 8:57pm EST. Still counting and not the final official count… just in case.

Trump / Pence REP 5,507,448
Biden / Harris DEM 5,165,668

That is 341,780 votes difference in favor of Trump. I don’t think Biden can survive it. Trump beat Hillary with some 120,000

Update 9:36PM EDT:  Trump ahead 378,316.  Counting is slowing down, we are less than 7% of precincts left, but I kinda hope we round over the 400,000 votes.

Again, Hillary was beaten by +120K, she is gonna be pissed as hell!

UPDATE 11:11pm EST: Fox News calls Florida for Trump.

Trump is ahead 381,908 votes. It has been moving back and forth a few hundreds for the last hour, but no major changes are foreseen.

Non-cheating changes, I mean.

Update 12:45 am:
Finally the New York Times calls Florida for Trump

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Florida Watch 2020… OK, nothing fancy. (UPDATES)”
  1. Looking at the nationwide results, I am amazed at how they call the various states. Right now, VA is called for Biden (solid blue), but Trump is leading in the votes by more than 20%. Trump 59%, Biden 39%. Yet, the AP is saying Biden won VA.

    I guess they are assuming that Biden will be winning the northern VA counties, and calling the state for him. Yet, TX is light blue right now, no assumption that Trump will be winning everything except Houston and Austin. If I am correct, that is just another example of media bias…

  2. I RELLY hope I am wrong but even if Trump wins Florida if what I’m hearing is right he is probably going to lose Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, Arizona and Georgia.

    Meaning president Kamala Harris and goodbye to private gun ownership.

    Get ready, we are about the see the end of freedom in the United States if not the literal complete and total destruction of the United States and its people.

    Just like the Democrats want. I’ll be expecting the purges of all non Democrats to start shortly.

    God I hope I’m wrong. About everything.

    1. Texas will probably be won by Trump. The first batch were the big Democratic cities and the state was showing Democrat. Trump has now a small advantage.
      Ohio is also slightly Trump.

      New York Times is giving an 84% to Trump to win Georgia.

  3. As I told TDW-Mark II, remember: these numbskulls “call” a state based on owl entrails and wishful thinking. Literally, don’t mean nuthin. At best it’s a psy-op against America and Americans. Likely, they are getting high, re breathing inside their bubbles.

    The certified vote totals are what are meaningful.

    And, to Shawn’s morbid point, knowing your zero.

  4. From what I can see right now (11;35 Eastern) Biden cannot make 270 unless some of the pink states they are predicting for Trump flip over to blue, and Texas is the only state that has flipped so far (from blue to pink). I am actually getting my hopes up.
    Of course, don’t forget they still need to count all the mail in ballots that arrive over the next few days. If Biden can’t come up with a few million votes in the necessary states in a few days of “counting”, who can? And of course all mailed in ballots that AREN’T postmarked will count as mailed on time. So all someone has to do is find a way to insert a few truckloads of ballots without postmarks into the count, calling them mail-ins.

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