We are supposed to have from freezing temps in Northern Florida to the low 40s down here. The following meme represents us rather well, I must say.
We simply don’t have the common sense God gave a gnat.
Hat tip to Ed C.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
We are supposed to have from freezing temps in Northern Florida to the low 40s down here. The following meme represents us rather well, I must say.
We simply don’t have the common sense God gave a gnat.
Hat tip to Ed C.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Throw Arizona into that bottom category. The amount of doomsday prophesying on the news when the overnight lows approach freezing is comical.
The commercials for the 10 o’clock news are usually something like “Are all you plants Going. To. Die. tonight? Find out why at 10!”
You haven’t seen ‘storm crazy’ until you’ve seen ‘Oregon Coast Winter Storm’ crazy. Imagine deliberately scheduling reservations at a beachfront hotel specifically to ‘enjoy’ the fury of a pacific typhoon.
The CLIFFSIDE hotels actually charge MORE during the winter storm season (Pacific equivalent of hurricane season down south).
Hurricane Parties… yup, we know the kind.
Look at the bright side.
It will thin out the mosquitoes and the other creepy crawlies for you.
I am hoping all our below zero weather does the same for the ticks.
My damnyankee brainstem looked out today and said, “October in the old country.”
God, do I know it. I remember after years of living in South Dakota and Chicago, coming back to Miami for Christmas. I would have left the north in driving snow and sub-zero temperatures and Miami would be having a “cold snap” at 55 degF. I’d be walking around in shorts and my Miami friends would be in parkas and boots. They couldn’t comprehend how I wasn’t freezing to death. I had to explain that 55 was 75 degrees warmer than where I was yesterday.
I was going to laugh but if a hurricane ever came to NH, that would definitely be me but reversed obviously.