That’s a set of motocross pads and a skateboard helmet.

Those are intended for falls.

They ate not intended to protect a person from deliberate violence applied with a riot baton.

They are most certainly not bullet proof.

This girl, who can’t weigh more than 125 lbs, put on this stuff and seems to think she is armored for the resistance.

I can’t wait to see her get vibe checked by some cop that is a foot taller and 100 lbs more than she is, or worse, some person with a CCW that she tries to assault.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “Foam and padding signifying nothing”
  1. It will be interesting to see the results of the escalation process. I’m not convinced it will get to the 230 grain realm, at least not for a while yet, but the results from applying Newton’s Laws of Motion with 6′ 2″ and 220 against 5′ 6″ and 120 are predictable, as is the delta between “fantasy” and “experience.” Musculature and mass, all by themselves, have value, but knowing how to effectively use that musculature and mass is a force multiplier; the outcome of “field hockey” vs “offensive right tackle” should be fun to watch.

  2. Showing up to a “protest” dressed like that denotes PREMEDITATION. If we had an effective justice system…which we don’t, such an act could and should be used as an enhancement to other charges. But of course these miscreants are the darlings of the criminal commie left who are in power therefore nothing will happen to them.
    If you can’t shoot them….take a metal pipe or other such object to the side of their knee with some force. Problem solved, problem staying solved.

    1. Leaving the home carrying a gun denotes premeditation.
      Be careful which way that blade cuts….

      1. Going to a protest specifically prepared for violence at the protest is different than carrying in your general life.

        1. Not really….. you carry a gun you leave prepared to meet violence with violence. Prudence is prudence doesn’t matter about what.
          How quickly we all seem to forget that we were all bloodthirsty murderers looking for someone to “make my day” and there would be mass chaos and blood flowing freely in the streets.
          This is what always irks me and what I try to get across, how quickly the shoe becomes upon the other foot and all the people of the gun revert to using the same arguments used against them against other people and how much of petty little tyrants they all are just like all the people against us. I am speaking generally here Rob, not about you specifically.
          Do I think this girl is up to no good? Yea probably. Until she does no good though, she ain’t doin shit, same as us and the same it should be for anyone else.

    2. Yes and no.
      However, this particular video leads me to believe this woman thinks the cops are facists who want to commit acts of violence against protestors for no reason other then they are protesting. She appears to be that truly clueless.

  3. If she wants to protest a fascist, all she need do is scream at a mirror.

  4. Won’t she be surprised when she finds out that all that “protective gear” will be useless against tear gas &/or pepper spray. She at least shows her face; future employers take note. A future of cleaning up roadside litter awaits!

  5. I seem to recall a ‘hairy’ pron artist outfitted similarly getting a haymaker to the jaw whilst trying to be tough at one of the antifa protests, and being out for the count, just standing around with her eyeballs spinning, crying.

    All dressed up for a teachable moment to happen.

  6. Curious how the Antifa types have no thought about what actual “fascists” would use to put down a protest. Guns, tanks — skating gear and “shields” cut from Rubbermaid trash cans would be no help against them. It’s like they know they’re not really in any danger, just taking part in an act.
    All their protection would be pointless against a literal pitchfork-wielding mob.

  7. I’ll be the contrarian here. I think she’s doing a reasonable job, considering the threats she is likely to face. She’s not going up against a military unit shooting at her with rifles. She’s primarily facing two opposing forces:

    1) Counterprotestors who are just as inexperienced as is she.
    2) Police who have orders to do as little injury as possible.

    Her threats are thus facing sticks, “less lethal/nonlethal” technologies, and fists, not bullets and hand grenades. For this, what she’s wearing isn’t all that bad:

    1) CS/Pepper spray. Nothing short of a gas mask will help that much against CS, but if you are on the periphery, it can slow down the effects while you scamper away. Her eye protection *is* useful against pepper spray/bear spray, or any spray that has a directed nozzle. Getting that stuff in your eyes is horrible and is the most immediately disabling hit for that stuff. Anything that protects the eyes is good. In addition, it protects against other small particles that are may be in the air — burning fragments from fireworks, grit, etc., all of which are risks. Safety glasses are good whenever there is stuff in the air. It’s why I wear them when I do woodwork of cut masonry.

    2) TASER etc. The covered areas are protected from darts. The coverage isn’t complete, but the chances of having both darts penetrate are diminished. I doubt that this woman is experienced at TASER rides, but people who have done the funky chicken more than a few times can learn to control themselves enough to do basic responses (e.g. rolling the body, sweeping the wires, etc). This armor increases the likelihood of success of one of these efforts.

    3) Blunt force. Nothing will save a 100 lb woman from being overpowered by a 200 lb muscular man other than high expertise in martial arts on the part of the woman and stunning clumsiness or cowardice/panic on the part of the man. But here’s the key. Ignoring the cops (discussed next) she will not be facing people with fighting experience. She will be facing people who are probably as inexperienced and clumsy as is she. So, will her armor help against clumsy fist blows? Sure. Will it help against small baton blows? Sure. Will it help against things like fireworks, thrown bottles, etc? Sure. The key here is that this isn’t protecting against life-threatening trauma, but painful soft tissue trauma — bruises, abrasions, etc. If you are going to get hit by a clumsy guy swinging an ASP on the arm, does this kind of body armor help? Sure. It’s not perfect, but it helps.

    4) Sharp force. Will this be a perfect protection against sharp injury? No, but, again, it will help. A hard stab from a bowie knife equivalent by a strong man may not be deflected. A stab wound to the neck will not be protected. But a sweeping/slicing attack across the chest with a small knife in a flailing attack? Yes, it will help. There is a significant subset of potential sharp force injuries that this will help with.

    5) Police: This will obviously not stop you from being taken down if a police officer is grappling with you. Will it help against a bean-bag round or rubber bullet? Absolutely. Anything that disperses the energy even a little will help. It won’t stop it from hurting, but it will decrease the likelihood of a rib fracture or severe internal injury. The coverage is good. In one DoD analysis, the chest and back were hit a little over 60% of the time in less than lethal projectile deployment, about 30% extremities, and about 12-15% head and neck. Of the injuries to the chest, 89% were bruises and abrasions, and 4% fractures, almost all ribs (rarely the clavicle). One percent ended in death. Internal injuries included contusions of the lung, rib fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, and small numbers of cardiac tamponade, cardiac laceration, cardiac contusion, vascular damage, and such. The big problem is that if a high-energy less lethal round hits the chest and breaks a rib, it can drive the bone into the lung or heart.

    The key here is to use the thoracic body armor not to stop all injury, but to degrade the injury a little by dispersing the energy. In other words, take that shot to the center of the chest that would cause the sternum to bang into the heart and diffuse the energy just enough to change it to “just” a bad contusion of the chest wall.

    So, what about grappling? Once again, as all of us who drunkenly decided to do stupid things with cops know, when you get taken down, there’s a reasonable chance of very unpleasant but non-life-threatening trauma — bruises, contusions, sprains, etc. Being taken down by an officer *is* a lot like falling from a bicycle — you get the same kinds of injuries. The armor she is wearing will help her with those “road burn” abrasions on her knees and elbows, and decrease the degree of contusion from other blunt trauma. For some people, that scraped knee isn’t enough of an injury to worry about. For other’s it’s the most trauma they’ve suffered in their lives. Half the world gets into the shower in the morning, looks at a huge bruise on their leg, and says “How the hell did that happen?” The other half of the world had been on the couch popping oxycodone the entire previous day with their leg elevated.

  8. This appears to be dress up.
    If this woman really knew anything about police reactions to protests… or any other topic for that matter, she would know here gear is nothing more than show. If someone chooses to punch her in the chest, it will help spread out the impact. If she is shot with a rubber bullet, rock salt, or some other deterrent, it will spread out the impact. Taser, yeah, protection as long as the electrodes bounce off the plastic.
    It is cosplay at best, but she, and likely most people watching this video for advice, think it will make a difference..

  9. Aim for the larger muscles of the leg with a baton. Aim for the abdominals or waist. Back of the the knee. Upper arm

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