In the last post, SiGraybeard  a comment I am pasting here:

If they don’t know the term coyote, then doubtless they’ve never heard of the rape trees, decorated with the panties of every little girl they rape.

If they don’t know the term and they only use Google, I bet they’d never get the truth.

Someone with Twitter ought to try to post that. I’m sure it would get you suspended or the tweet would be shadowbanned.

And at the risk of being shadowbanned in Twitter and jailed in Facebook, here are some samples of Rape Trees.

And there is an article from the New York Times you way want to read:


For weeks in that locked room, the men she had paid to get her safely to the United States drugged her with pills and cocaine, refusing to let her out even to bathe. “I think that since they put me in that room, they killed me,” she said. “They raped us so many times they didn’t see us as human beings anymore.”

On America’s southern border, migrant women and girls are the victims of sexual assaults that most often go unreported, uninvestigated and unprosecuted. Even as women around the world are speaking out against sexual misconduct, migrant women on the border live in the shadows of the #MeToo movement.

‘You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “For those who laughed at the President’s Coyote reference, here is a dose of reality: Rape Trees.”
  1. Some humans just need to die, by whatever means. (I refuse to call such animals, “people.”)

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