It can even be a nice BBQ gun with a bit of fancy grips.

Single action, 2.5 inch barrel.

Revolver Review: Freedom Arms Model 97 ‘Packer’ | Gun Digest

No price is mentioned in the article nor the gun can be found in their website with that barrel length, but the regular brothers go from $2,300 to $2,400.

I want mine in .357 Magnum.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Found my Church Gun”
    1. You can use .45 Colt in a .454. .45 ACP though? Nope. Not unless you have it also modified for moonclips. It needs the rim to hold the cartridfe within reach of the firing pin.
      As for that stubby little 2.5″ barrel, if I’m going that small, I’ll just go with a double action revolver. Single actions balance better with a 4-6″ tube.
      Edited to add: I missed that the .45 version has a second cylinder. The chambers on that WILL be short enough to use the rimless ACP rounds without ignition problems. But there’s not enough case volume there to take advantage of hotter loads, unlike the Colt brass.

  1. Miguel, don’t listen to the nay-sayers. If you can get it past the fiscal review and approval process (aka dear wife), and you can find or order one in a reasonable length of time, I say go for it.

    Freedom Arms makes a beautiful single-action revolver, and if I recall properly they have a transfer-bar safety so you should be okay to carry with the hammer down on a loaded cylinder.

    Just me, but for the grips … a beautifully polished and expertly fitted set of desert ironwood grips, say, would look seriously classy.

    1. Wife saw it and the price and made the comment that it ain’t a Church gun but a Funeral gun… I don’t figure I need to explain why 😀

  2. Some guys like Fords, some guys like Chevys,……
    Im not a BIG fan of these styles of revolvers cause the way the grips are made it beats the CRAP out of my middle finger on me shootin hand.. custom grips would do it. YOU like it? Go for it. Send it up to me and I will get it engraved for ya.

  3. Oh man a Freedom Arms is one of my bucket list guns those things are just beautify and function. You’ll have ta get some right purdy leather for that

  4. I’m not from Texas so I’m not sure I really grasp the concept of a “Church gun” or a “BBQ Gun”.

    I mean, I get that it’s supposed to be a beautiful piece that you carry on special occasions, but is it just for show or is it intended to be actually functional for self defense should the need arise?

    If it’s just a status symbol and not really intended to be functional, then you can ignore the below.

    In my opinion, that revolver (or any other “cowboy” style single action revolver for that matter) is simply not practical for serious self defense.

    Single action means slow to employ, barrel too high above the centerline of the grip means dramatic muzzle flip, especially in a high velocity caliber like .357 magnum. The rounded grip means the muzzle flip will cause the grip to slide in the hand. All that means slow first shot and very slow follow up shots in the event the first doesn’t get the job done.

    Finally, loading gate and no ejection rod means reloading is going to be extremely slow if needed. Better buy two of them so you can carry a “cowboy reload” just in case.

    I get that you want something pretty and classy for carry at special events, but in my humble opinion, something like that is so restrictive for use in self defense, it isn’t worth the trouble. If you’re just carrying it for show, more power to you, but as far as I’m concerned, if I’m going to carry a weapon, I want something that’s at least practical for self defense. Something like that would be great for Cowboy Action Shooting or just for shooting at the range for fun, not for self defense.

    Again, just my opinion…to each his own.

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