All members of Congress, the high ranking judiciary, and the Executive and cabinet are all getting the COVID vaccine.  It is to protect the continuity of government.  We can’t have our government full of geriatrics get COVID and not be able to function.

All snark aside, it is a strategic necessity.

So how does George Takei fit into this?

‘Star Trek’ actor George Takei hopes Marco Rubio suffers allergic reaction to coronavirus vaccine

The Left wants you to die, or at least suffer great bodily harm.

Marco Rubio is a Republican, Takei is a Leftist Democrat, that is enough justification for Takei to want Rubio to die of anaphylaxis (which is a really horrible way to die).

But remember, Takei thinks he’s the good guy.  He’s a prick.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “George Takei is a prick”
    1. Lefists don’t hate concentration camps or death camps. They only hate when they are not in charge of them.

      Takei came out of one wanting to put others back in it.

  1. George Takei, a minor character on a SciFi TV series from the 1960’s canceled after three years into a five year mission. For thirty or so years, he made a living by being a guest of honor at Star Trek conventions. Tell me again why I should care what he has to say.

  2. I can understand the continuity of government argument for the President and VP, and perhaps for the more important executive departments (State, Defense, Treasury). But Congressmen are basically interchangeable and vacancies happen regularly; why should we worry if a couple of the 435 House members or of the 100 senators get sick? There are plenty more around. Or the Secretary of the Interior? All these positions need to be filled eventually, but none of them are time critical. If they stay open for a few months, nothing bad happens.

    1. One way to look at it is, if a bunch of Senators and Congresspeople kick off, who’s gonna take all the lobbyists’ money and bone Chinese spies? But another way to look at is that it’s not really a good idea to cripple one of the three branches. Congress needs a quorum to operate, after all, and the government can’t operate without things like a budget, which only Congress can provide. (And if you’re going to vaccinate the executive and judicial people, you can’t discriminate against legislators.)

      1. 50% is a quorum, so you’d need something vastly deadlier than the CCV before there is a problem. And vacancies can be filled by special elections (House) or appointment (Senate) which doesn’t have to take long.
        Budget? Doesn’t matter, and in fact when the Dems were in charge of the Senate they didn’t bother passing one. Appropriations matter, but that’s only an issue when one expires. And even then, in spite of all the hot air about “government shutdown”, for a large fraction of the government it isn’t a problem if it shuts down, certainly not if it’s just for a month or so.
        If the quorum disappears and laws stop being passed, that doesn’t seem a problem to me.
        As for judges, same story. It’s very rare indeed that they do anything time critical, and there are plenty of judges.

        1. Did you ever think that maybe I was just making plausible-sounding arguments to justify using Congress as beta-testing guinea pigs? Your negativity might end up ruining my evil plan.

        2. I think it was Heinlein that suggested that half the time, the legislature should pass bills, and the other half the time, should repeal laws.

          1. Could be. I do remember (from “The moon is a harsh mistress”) the notion that passing laws should require a 2/3rd majority, while repealing them should require only 1/3rd.

  3. Inject the politicians first. If they all survive, the vaccine is safe.
    If they all die, the country is safe.

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