North Carolina cop slams K-9 into SUV during training, disturbing video shows

If he can do that to a dog that is supposed to be his partner, just think what he would do to a civilian.

There is only one thing to do to this guy.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Get this guy off the force now”
  1. Even more alarming is the bystanders’ response. “We’re good, no witnesses” and “Is your camera on? Mine’s off.”

    I’m glad someone released this, as it indicates far bigger problems in this police force than mistreatment of a dog.

  2. I’d settle for him being punished exactly the same way as RayRay would get punished for doing the same things to his pit bull.

    1. I’m not particularly worried about possible bad consequences for the cop — in the hopefully unlikely event he continues to be a cop, that is. On the other hand, the question of whether the dog could be assigned to an actual cop and be retrained enough to function, that’s a concern.

  3. This is why military working dogs always outrank their handlers. A handler hitting the dog can be brought up on charges of striking a superior officer.

    What’s infuriating is thinking about why they felt the need to do things that way.

  4. The guy’s a cop – badge, gun and full authority – why would you expect a different attitude or behavior ?

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