Rick is the official Troll of the blog….but he is under a ban for trying to tell me what to write. Dumb move. .

He sent me this “infotext” via Twitter:

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Click to enlarge

Let’s play a bit.
Do I wear a parachute when I fly? Well Silly Ricky, not even the pilots carry parachutes in commercial flights because at 30,000 feet doing close to 600 mph and without thermal gear and an oxygen bottle, trying to do a HALO or a HAHO is pretty much null and void. You should now because you work for the FAA.

– Do I wear a football helmet to baseball games? I don’t like baseball.

– Do I wear a mask because I am afraid of germs? Only in Halloween.

Relative to our own personal situations. You might be into something…extend the thought.

-Jump when the lawn guy unexpectedly (corrected that one for ya) rounds the corner. Yup, unannounced entry by somebody unauthorized by me on a closed area of my property makes me a wee bit nervous as it should you.

Consider your level of fear. In the immortal words of Clint Smith: “I have the gun, what should I be afraid of?”

-You don’t want to live near me. Fine and dandy. That is your choice….wait…what word is that?

And that is the crux of the matter at hand: Choice. Remember I asked you to extend the thought? We have arrived.

You see, if you care to prepare or not or depend on three digits dialed in your phone, is up to you. I might criticize you for you lack of preparedness, but what I will not do is to IMPOSE on you what I think you should do. You and your cadre in the other hand, love to try to impose what you think is right on others and some of us do not tolerate that kind of manure.

You don’t hate/dislike us because we have guns. You do it because we remind you that there is ugly shit out there and that scares the ladypants out of you. You want to remain Tommy (Deaf, Blind and definitely Dumb) because it is easier to live that way. Seeing others that have chosen to be aware and prepared makes you feel lazy, insignificant and less of a man. And I am not saying we are Rambos or play super hero, but we try to solve the impending problem ourselves and before it becomes something too radical or too eternal to fix.

So basically what we are saying is: Mind your own fucking business. Go after the criminals. Leave us alone.

Remember, turnaround is fair play: If you think you can dictate what I do in my life, I will eventually get to dictate what you do in yours.

And you ain’t gonna like my guidelines.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Giving the Troll some love…”
  1. Reading this and listening to the radio. Smaller town…..the M.E. just released information on the death of woman found dead in freezer…..Meth-head got high/sick,put on her coat and went to sleep in the large chest freezer where her was found buy her teenaged son.
    Beware of freezers Mr. Rick and wear gloves & boots……. 🙂

  2. …what I will not do is to IMPOSE on you what I think you should do. You and your cadre in the other hand, love to try to impose what you think is right on others…”

    Bingo: the essence of liberalism — and the mindset of all progressives, socialists, Nazis, communists, Democrats, and RINOs.

  3. I do carry a first aid kit own fire extinguishers keep road flares. Have a tool kit and always have a multitool. Because I was a boyscout and I believe on bring prepared

  4. Where Rick’s argument fails is in its assumption that all risk is equal. There is a low probability of getting hit by a baseball, but the consequence is typically a bad bruise or lump on the head. There is a higher probability of catching a cold, but the consequence is a runny nose. The probability of any of us needing our guns to defend ourselves is, thankfully, very low assuming we avoid stupid places where stupid people do stupid things. But the consequence of NOT having a gun when needed could be the death of us or our loved ones, kidnapping, rape, assault (no, not a bloody nose, but beaten into a coma), etc. A runny nose isn’t quite in the same league. So, I take my chances that I might get bopped on the head with a ball. But I won’t take a chance that my kids could be kidnapped and murdered. That is the way any rational person would consider the question. Unfortunately for Rick’s family, that adjective can not be applied to him.

  5. Rick the Dickhead should leave your blog alone and go write his own. I would not want him to live near me. He is obviously a eunuch.

    1. He had one… well.. he fancied himself as South Florida’s high class aggregator so he basically linked everybody else’s blogs to his.

      Like Drudge but snotty and without the good stuff.

  6. How many times do I hear the same credo repeated by other Leftists?
    Too Many
    Where do they come by the belief that they are allowed to be such Dicks in a free nation, from our “Leaders”?

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