After some comments on my last post about The Rude Pundit, I decided I would go through his Twitter feed.

Here is a quick summary of what I learned.

He thinks that Police go through constant firearms training.  This is the worst of the gun control appeal to authority facilities because it is so easily proven wrong.

He wants to bring back the famous 1994 AWB, that was wholly ineffective.

This is where his shit goes down hill.

He really has a hard on for having the police take away people’s guns and the cops killing them in the process.  He thinks that gun owners are just a bunch of pussies who talk tough but will hand over their guns to the police.  At the same time he talks tough, he admits he’s not going door to door, to take guns because “the goverment is.”

He Tweeted this:

Not realizing, the government confiscating property that was purchased legally is right up there in the definition of Tyranny.  What he is calling for is tyranny, but we gun owners can’t recognize that.

I’m going to turn away from The Rude Pundit for a moment and turn to the New York Times, which published an OpEd titled “Repeal the Second Amendment.”  It’s it nonsensical, but it does contain this quote:

My guess: Take the guns—or at least the presumptive right to them—away.

So here we have the NYT being a little more long winded, ultimately getting to the idea of mass gun confiscation.

Last year, the Boston Globe had the same idea.

Ultimately, if gun-control advocates really want to stanch the blood, there’s no way around it: They’ll have to persuade more people of the need to confiscate millions of those firearms, as radical as that idea may now seem.  

So here is where I go out on a limb.

I really don’t want to get into a firefight with cops over my guns.  Dying in my bedroom in front of my kids is not what I want to do.  I really want to avoid that at all costs.

If shit were to actually go south, if DC passed some sort of gun confiscation law and it was upheld by SCOTUS and law enforcement was send to go collect the guns, it’s not the cops that I have any interest fighting.

So why own my guns?  Why say I own guns to stop tyranny if I don’t want do get shot to death by a SWAT team over my AR?

Here is my answer.

The Rude Pundit.  The writers of the New York Times and the Boston Globe.  Moms Demand Action.

It is the people who time and time again, from their comfy offices and academic halls said that the cops should take the guns and if that meant killing gun owners so be it.  It is every Liberal elitist who wants gun owners to be raided but doesn’t want to do it himself.

I want to bring the fight to them.  They wanted my my home raided.  They wanted my friends’ and neighbors’ homes raided, while they slept soundly.  Nope.  They get their doors kicked in too.

They sent the cops to kill gun owners.  They have blood on their hands.

The anti-gun intelligentsia are the Wannsee Conference that planned the final solution to the gun control question.  They are every bit complicit in whatever happens.

If the election of Donald Trump was a “human Molotov cocktail” that was thrown at the elites, they have no idea what is in store for them if they manage to get police to go door to door confiscating guns.  It will be real Molotov cocktails.

The cop who is “just following orders” is morally guilty, but I don’t want to shoot him – and risk being shot myself.  If I own guns to fight tyranny, it is to fight those who gave the orders and cheerleaded the passage of the law and defended it on TV, and I know they are unarmed.

The Liberal elites will not be allowed to stay safe in their ivory towers, insulated from the carnage they created.



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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Going out on a limb for The Rude Pundit”
  1. If his dream was to come true, there is a solution. A formerly law abiding gun owner finds his house. At 0300, sets the house on fire and kills everyone that runs out. Repeat at all of the appropriate politicians houses. When it comes to murder, all after the first one are free.

    We’re making our lists and checking them twice.

  2. “If I own guns to fight tyranny, it is to fight those who gave the orders and cheerleaded the passage of the law and defended it on TV, and I know they are unarmed.

    “The Liberal elites will not be allowed to stay safe in their ivory towers, insulated from the carnage they created.”

    Bam! Excellent!

  3. Man, this Rude Pundit fellow is a violent, angry individual. I hope he doesn’t own any guns, it’s probably only a matter of time before he murders people.

  4. Apparently, American History is no longer taught. Perhaps Mr. (Mrs. Ms. Xe?) Pundit was educated in a foreign country or was a special snowflake who got an education participation trophy. I suggest that Rude Pundit look up the battles of Lexington, Concord and the subsequent activities along the “Battle Road.”

    Yes many, maybe even most of the people who own ARs will turn them over to the “government.” Considering the numbers, even a small percentage of patriots will overwhelm those sent to enforce this tyranny. Americans are not like other people, a long tradition of individual freedom and independent thought has created a culture of not bowing to kings, furhers, general secretaries, or tyrants.

    Even the Atifa BLM, and Moms Demand, celebrate their ability to “Resist.” Do you really think those of us who oppose your shredding of our Constitution and who are “armed and dangerous” will willingly comply?

  5. What i have a problem with is these passed laws are a declaration of WAR with built in terms of surrender!

    Why do we have to wait till SCOTUS rules?

    We can read. This fight should be door to door in four states already.

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