From NDTV:

Jair Bolsonaro Tells Brazil Not To Deal COVID-19 Pandemic “Like Fags”

President Jair Bolsonaro drew criticism Tuesday for telling Brazilians not to deal with Covid-19 like “a country of fags,” the far-right leader’s latest controversial outburst on the pandemic.

“I regret the deaths. I really do. But we’re all going to die someday. There’s no use fleeing reality. We have to stop being a country of fags…. We have to face up to it and fight. I hate this faggot stuff.”

Well then…

And we fret in this country about Trump’s rhetoric.

I bet this guy’s balls have their own secret service details.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Going to Brazil, brb…”
  1. Until Trumpy wins officially we goin be a nation of fags… once the election crap is over American need to stand UP and just say no.

  2. I like his style. Can we bring him up here to smack Dementia Joe, Faux-ci, and a few others around for a bit?

    Just saying . . .

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