It makes for an adequate defensive weapon. Just make sure you have a reliable source of ignition:
Oh yes, the spray better be flammable. 😀
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
It makes for an adequate defensive weapon. Just make sure you have a reliable source of ignition:
Oh yes, the spray better be flammable. 😀
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Brake cleaner, which usually comes in high(er) pressure cans ? 🙂
The big reservation I have about your recommended technique is that most effective bug sprays had an active ingredient that’s a nerve toxin. When it hits the victim, be they bug or in Cooper’s parlance, goblin, the nerve agent is absorbed through the skin and membranes. And some inhaled if it evaporates.
Setting it ablaze while spraying will turn more of it into a gas which would very possibly come back at you. Using the psychic trauma a fire isn’t a bad thing, just pick something that won’t mess you up.
I do have to work more on the coming across as facetious in my posts 🙂
Bug spray is basically a variation of Mustard gas. Plus any fire for self defense should be accompanied by the proper amount of jacket-coppered lead flying at a good rate of speed/.
Using a flame source inside your personal dwelling is not a good idea.
“I scared away the burglars, but I burnt the house down!”
That’s not bug spray, that’s fire.
And yes, fire is an excellent defensive weapon. Fire can solve every problem.
Including fire.
Because, really, shouldn;t “KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!” be the first line of response, anyway? 😉
“Kill it with fire!” actually comes after “Detcord!”, but before “Lift off and nuke it from orbit.”
There’s gotta be an order in the universe, and it’s up to us gunnies to keep it.
stay safe.
Looks like Jason Kilgore has lost some weight!