Brother Jim K. gave me a shout about this via Matt Bracken’s Facebook account. Ecuador and specially the city of Guayaquil is basically coming apart at the seams.  As of today they only reported officially 191 deaths for the whole country.

No fucking way is so few.

Warning: the flames ain’t BBQ.

And a copy in case that tweet disappears

Cardboard caskets being delivered

More cardboard caskets

Out of beds, sitting outside in wheelchairs sharing oxygen tanks

Bank Runs. People trying to get cash.

Wuhan Virus collects another victim

Three containers for body collection.

Good night, God Bless.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Guayaquil, Ecuador. Wuhan Virus out of control (Graphic & Haunting Video) (Updates)”
  1. At what point in the collapse of civilization is funeral pyres in the middle of a street?

  2. Man, the gift that China has given the world is really something. Icing on the cake is the American mainstream media and the Democrats taking China’s side. What a time to be alive!

  3. But it’s all just a conspiracy to tank the economy and keep Trump from being reelected! All the models are fake! Fauci and Birx are deep-state operatives trying to panic the country! We’re all under unConstitutional house arrest!

    — Shit I’ve seen supposedly intelligent conservatives say

    In a documentary about the London Plague outbreak of 1665, one of the experts pointed out that burial is one of the essential services. It’s not so much that it prevents the spread of disease as it’s a reassurance to everyone that civilization still exists, they won’t be forgotten, etc.

    WTF happened that’s left Ecuador incapable of providing such a basic function? WTF is the Church doing?

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