Via The Examiner, we get this tidbit of non-surprising info:

Officials from the White House Office of Public Engagement, which reports to senior Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, are now carrying the administration’s gun control efforts. OPE officials hold a regular meeting with the major gun control groups known as the Gun Violence Table.

The weekly sessions often include OPE Director Paulette Aniskoff or official Paul Monteiro along with representatives from Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Moms Demand Action, the Center for American Progress, Organizing for Action and Americans for Responsible Solutions.

The groups are coordinating a November lobbying effort and planning events to commemorate the first anniversary of the Newtown, Conn., massacre last December.

via Joe Biden on sidelines in gun control talks – Reid J. Epstein –

Color me unsurprised. Right now they are in PR Control mode big time and in need of propping up. We have Bloomberg dumping a ton of last minute money in the Virginia Governor’s race that has been pretty much declared several months ago for the Democrat Terry McAuliffe with a double-digit shellacking. Why dump all that money on a sure thing? Because McAuliffe is a safe bet anti-gunner that did not run with an anti-gun platform so he will be safe even if there was a recall petition and they desperate need a win in the plus column even if it is by proxy.

Come the anniversary of Sandy Hook, they need to show their followers that they have achieved something. They will whine about how Congress did not materialize the Universal Background Checks but leave out the bills with massive gun bans and assorted accessories that crashed and burned on the taxi way. They will tout renewed gun control laws in NY and Connecticut but that is akin to say they managed to bring water to the Atlantic Ocean. Colorado, initially a success, became a PR nightmare with the recalls and the outburst of Bloomberg pretty much not giving two craps about the legislators removed by popular vote. Even in California, Moonbeam Jerry Brown vetoed the new Assault Weapons Ban for being too over reaching and knowing that it would not survive judicial scrutiny.

My opinion is that the corpse-and-pony show at Newtown will not amount to much but the obligatory 5 minutes on assorted News Organization. People will be tired and looking to try and enjoy a meager Christmas with a bad economy and the prospect of having no Health Insurance, being unable to pay for the mandate and having a slice of their paychecks forcefully removed because they did not get it. The last thing they will want to hear is a bunch of whiners complaining that they lost a game they were sure they have won in January.

And the Bloody Shirt is starting to get a wee bit rank.

PS: Anybody seen the Yankee Vulture Bus anywhere?

PS 2: And they just lost their stage backdrop for December:
Sandy Hook Elementary School razing begins in Newtown, Conn.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Gun Control Groups Prepare for the Last Horaah of the Year”
  1. The vulture bus skipped IL and Chicago, that’s how much these people care about the victims. There wasn’t anything to be gained politically, so they skipped the state.
    There’s minimal tweets on their twitter account too, I think they’re done 🙂

    1. No disagreement there, but he was smart enough not to run 95% of his campaign on other issues that were effective for the particular demographic he was seeking. Now that he has the election pretty much secure, he can wave the anti-gun flag higher and give Bloomberg an advertising win.

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