The Gun Free Location where an Homophobic Islamic Extremist killed 49 people and local Law Enforcement made a hash out of the whole situation probably being responsible for some deaths of victims by not allowing them to be rescued on time because of old Mass Shooting procedures were still in their books.

It is a monument to how Islamic extremism, political idiocy and government incompetence killed a bunch of innocent people.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Gun Free Zone elevated to National Memorial Site”
  1. Ugh well there’s that. Watch it become the next Stonewall and wrapped in just as many lies and propaganda.

  2. They ever release the forensics report on the ballistics and tell us how many people, if any, were struck by the cop’s fusillade?

    I dimly recall the police being very cagey about that question at the time.

  3. The first truth to be memory-holed will be the religious identity and motivation of the murderer. The second will be be the (lack of) response by law enforcement. No doubt the script will be that a white supremacist, right-wing extremist committed an act of domestic terrorism.

  4. Can we go over there and destroy the statues we disagree with? Isn’t that the new norm?

  5. I hope Erin will grab the opportunity to post a Operation Blazing Sword and a Pink Pistols flag.

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