a youth moves quickly to collect grains of corn on the street that fell from a truck that was looted outside the port in Puerto Cabello, Venezuela.

PUERTO CABELLO, Venezuela (AP) — The cab of Carlos Del Pino’s big rig gave him a nerve-rattling front-row seat to a surge in mob attacks on Venezuela’s neighborhood markets, cattle ranches and food delivery trucks like his.
Shortly after pulling away from the docks at Puerto Cabello, the country’s biggest port, he witnessed 20 people swarm a truck ahead of him and in a frenzy fill up their sacks with the corn it was carrying to a food-processing plant. The driver was held at gunpoint.
“It fills you with terror,” Del Pino said.

Venezuelans Loot To Eat Amid Economic Tailspin

It is getting worse down there. According to some NGO sources, since the New Year there has been close to a 100 events of looting across the nation. More cattle ranches and dairy farms are reporting intruders killing or trying to kill cows for food like in the video that went viral where a cow was stone to death. Any kind of business who sells food is not safe unless they have armed security or belongs to a government honcho who gets free police or national guard  to guard the place.

This is what you get with a Socialist government that successfully convinced people that they did not need guns, that guns are bad and you are a criminal if you own one because they would protect you.

It won’t be long till these hungry mobs start going into houses to steal food because they smell something being cooked coming out of that location. Not a single gun will be available to repel the invaders and the people inside the house will be lucky to get away with their lives.

When the shit hits the fan, those with the guns impose the rules, good or bad.

Venezuela: A Dystopian Orifice… OK, a shithole thanks to the usual suspects.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Gun Free Zone Tailspin in a Dystopian Orifice.”
    1. Contrary to modern PC usage, “tragedy” means an unintended bad outcome created by bad luck, or other uncontrollable cause. That doesn’t apply here. “Den of evil” would be more accurate (applied to those in power, of course).

  1. One not so obvious thing that jumped out for me: “Shortly after pulling away from the docks at Puerto Cabello, the country’s biggest port…” So the corn that started the riot, was IMPORTED form somewhere else (there guesses and the first two don’t count). A socialist paradise that can’t provide food for it’s population has to import food from a (mostly) capitalist nation that the socialist leadership vilifies at every opportunity. I have never been to Venezuela but I weep for the people and their future. I see no good solution to this mess.

  2. I heard (but haven’t been able to confirm) that it is now illegal for doctors in Venezuela to list “starvation” as a cause of death. If true, that would be one hell of a way to fix the starvation statistic.

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